Immigrant and Refugee Homework Tutoring
Serve our neighbors in a simple and tangible way: homework tutoring!
Serve our neighbors in a simple and tangible way: homework tutoring!
We’re offering two short-term mission trips this summer: Egypt and Mexico. Learn more!
The Lord has placed us at Regency, right at the crossroad of where thousands of immigrant and refugee families are located. After learning more about the needs of these relocated families, we are teaming up with our neighbor at the other end of the mall, the Henrico County Adult Learning Center, to cohost a Resource Fair to provide a way to meet and become familiar with the many agencies and ministries in our area that can help meet these numerous needs.
The event will be held at the Henrico Country Adult Learning Center at Regency on Thursday, September 19, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm with groups like Crossover, Third Church Immigrant and Refugee Tutoring, ESL at West End Pres and WEAG, Christian Arabic Church, Re-Establish Richmond, GRTC, and many other private and county organizations.
Be in prayer for relationships to be developed and for fruitful connections to be built for these families to receive the help they need in negotiating life in a new and different culture.
Volunteer for hospitality (refreshments and helping people find the Learning Center), as language interpreters, and for set up and clean up.
For years, Third’s high school ministry has gone to Mexico with Amor Ministries for a summer mission trip. We now have the opportunity for this trip to be open to everyone in our congregation 10 years old and above.
We’ll be working with Amor Ministries to build a home for a family in need near Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico from June 30 – July 6, 2024.
The cost of the trip is $950.00 per person and there are scholarships and payment plans available if money is a hinderance to coming on this trip. We never want money to be the one thing that keeps someone from being part of a trip like this!
This trip is separate from the high school trip to Mexico in the summer of 2024.
Questions? Email Rick Hutton for more info.
Just dine at Rusty Taco Short Pump on May 22, and then place your receipt in the donation box. Our trips will receive 15% of the total from Rusty Taco.
Date: Dine anytime on May 22
Location: 11525 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23233
The Lord has placed us at Regency, right at the crossroad of where thousands of immigrant and refugee families are located. After learning more about the needs of these relocated families, we are teaming up with our neighbor at the other end of the mall, the Henrico County Adult Learning Center, to cohost a Resource Fair to provide a way to meet and become familiar with the many agencies and ministries in our area that can help meet these numerous needs.
The event will be held at the Henrico Country Adult Learning Center at Regency on Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm with groups like Crossover, Third Church Immigrant and Refugee Tutoring, ESL at West End Pres and WEAG, Christian Arabic Church, Re-Establish Richmond, GRTC, and many other private and county organizations.
Be in prayer for relationships to be developed and for fruitful connections to be built for these families to receive the help they need in negotiating life in a new and different culture.
Volunteer for hospitality (refreshments and helping people find the Learning Center), as language interpreters, and for set up and clean up.
Our partnerships with the Christian Arabic Church here in Richmond and our sister church, El Sharabia Church, in Cairo, Egypt, are central to the fabric of who we are at Third Church. Our pastors and anyone who has had the opportunity to visit Egypt would tell you that this partnership offers meaningful encouragement, profound inspiration, and mutual support as our three churches minister in very different contexts.
After several years of delay due to the pandemic, we are thrilled to finally welcome our friends from Egypt to visit us here in Richmond! Please join us for a celebratory luncheon to honor these friends and our partnership, to hear about life and ministry in Cairo, and to learn how you can participate in this partnership, too.
Sunday, February 4, 12:15 p.m.
First Floor Gathering Space at Regency
Third will provide BBQ mains | Please bring a dish to share
To love our neighbor means to care for our neighbor, meet the practical needs of our neighbor, do justice and mercy for our neighbor, share the gospel with our neighbor. Jesus modeled this lifestyle by drawing near to us in the Incarnation in his earthly ministry.
In Spanish, “love your neighbor” is ama a tu projimo, which literally translated means “love the one proximate to you.” It is natural to want to surround ourselves with people who are like us and make us feel comfortable. Jesus’ command calls us beyond this. Jesus calls us to love the neighbor who is unlike us, to get near and draw close to the one on the other side of the boundaries, especially to the neighbor who may be in the ditch.
We are excited to be partnering with East End Fellowship to sponsor this weekend as we explore the theme of proximity and ways to begin proximity with our neighbors.
Tim Soerens will be our speaker for the weekend. He is the co-founding director of the Parish Collective, a growing network and global movement of Christians reimagining what it means to be the Church in, with, and for the neighborhood.
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM at Third at Regency: We’ll hear from Tim Soerens about loving and caring for our neighbor. (Registration for childcare closed Nov. 15)
6:30 PM: Pizza and Movie night at Regency! We’ll watch Up and debrief together. Bring blankets and camp chairs to get comfortable! Kids and adults welcome.
Both Saturday events will take place on the 2nd Floor of Third at Regency: 1420 N Parham Road. Directions.
Morning: Tim Soerens will lead a special Sunday school class at 10:00 a.m. in Room C/D upstairs, and be interviewed in both services. Third at Regency: 1420 N Parham Road.
Lunch: Join us for lunch in Third’s 1st Floor Gathering Space at Regency at 12:15 p.m. where Tim will discuss his new book, Everywhere You Look: Discovering the Church Right Where You Are
Bus Tour at 2:00 PM: Take a tour of Richmond to learn the history of urban neighborhoods. Tour will be led by our Urban Hope MIssions Partner. Sign up for the bus here, space is limited!
Our mission partner STEP is now collecting donations of new, unwrapped children's gifts for the Christmas Store 2022.
These donations are marked to half price or less and made available to the parents of children living in Gilpin Court and surrounding low-income communities. The Christmas store offers parents the dignity of making a sacrifice of love for their children at an affordable price!
Suggested Items: Please include the original purchase price on the item by Sharpie or a Sticky Note.
Skateboards, Bikes, and Scooters
Stuffed Animals, African-American Dolls
Arts & Crafts, Sports Equipment (Basketballs, Jump Ropes, etc)
Headphones and Electronics
Board Games, Educational Toys
Toy Cars/Trucks
Gift Cards to fast food restaurants (McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A).
Please bring your items to the marked bins at Regency or to the church office lobby Monday-Thursday, from 8:30-4:30 pm and Fridays from 8:30am to noon.
We will start collecting items on Sunday, Nov. 12.
All items are due by Monday, Nov. 27.
Contact Rebecca Hatton (rebeccah@thirdrva.org) if you have any questions.
Sunday, October 15, 12:15 p.m., Gathering Space at Regency
Jonas Kinda is a church planter in Burkina Faso. His church was planted in 2008 in the outskirts of Ouagadougou. As a missionary with World Horizons, Jonas also trains new national pastors and evangelists, recruiting workers for the unreached peoples of Burkina Faso and West Africa. He leads monthly, week-long “Project Javelin” trips into the most unreached areas of Burkina Faso and occasionally neighboring countries. Every year, by God’s grace, Project Javelin is helping to strengthen existing churches and see several new churches planted.
Please join us in the main gathering space on the first floor after the 11:00 a.m. service for a light lunch and presentation. No RSVP is needed.
Questions? Contact Rebecca Hatton.
The Lord has placed us at Regency, right at the crossroad of where thousands of immigrant and refugee families are located. After learning more about the needs of these relocated families, we are teaming up with our neighbor at the other end of the mall, the Henrico County Adult Learning Center, to cohost a Resource Fair to provide a way to meet and become familiar with the many agencies and ministries in our area that can help meet these numerous needs.
The event will be held at the Henrico Country Adult Learning Center at Regency on Wednesday, October 11, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm with groups like Crossover, Third Church Immigrant and Refugee Tutoring, ESL at West End Pres and WEAG, Christian Arabic Church, Re-Establish Richmond, GRTC, and many other private and county organizations.
Be in prayer for relationships to be developed and for fruitful connections to be built for these families to receive the help they need in negotiating life in a new and different culture.
Volunteer for hospitality (refreshments and helping people find the Learning Center), as language interpreters, and for set up and clean up. Sign up here.
Sunday, September 17, 12:15 p.m., Gathering Space at Regency
Our mission partner Jeanette Brannan serves with Together for Tanzania. TFT works to improve educational opportunities for the poorest children in Tanzania. Their most significant accomplishment continues to be the education of students, preschool through master’s programs. TFT’s missional ministry includes assisting partner pastors with repairs of churches, ministry expenses, and emergency medical expenses. TFT continues to distribute food and clothing to hundreds of people in need, especially to TFT students, their families, and widows.
Please join us in the main gathering space on the first floor after the 11:00 a.m. service for a light lunch and presentation. No RSVP is needed.
Questions? Contact Rebecca Hatton.
Serve our neighbors in a simple and tangible way: homework tutoring!
Learn more from one of our mission partners, Andrew Fuller, on his media ministry to people in the Middle East.
We will celebrate the ministry of LJ Jaworski on Sunday, June 11 around 12:15 p.m. following the morning worship services.
Join us in expressing our appreciation for LJ’s seven years of ministry at Third, her good work of helping connect us with our mission partners, and to pray for her future ministry.
We will be providing a buffet lunch. If you can help provide some of the items for the meal, please use this link to sign up.
Learn more from one of our partners Lauren Moore
Learn more from one of our partners, Karen Carr.
Learn more from one of our partners, Beth Baleke.
Learn more from one of our partners, Ray Heinen with SAT-7.
Learn more from one of our partners, Karen Carr.
Learn more from one of our local partners, Urban Hope.
Learn more from one of our mission partners the Hicks.
Join us on our first short-term mission trip since 2020! Third Church and the Christian Arabic Church will travel together to visit our sister church, El Sharabia. The trip will have two areas of focus. One portion of our team will facilitate a medical clinic during the day, and the other will serve on an outreach team serving the poor.
In the evenings, we'll spend time with our sister church, El Sharabia. We have a three-church partnership with Christian Arabic Church (CAC), Third Church, and El Sharabia in Cairo. Your team leaders are LJ Jaworski, mission pastor, and Fakhri Yacoub, pastor of CAC.
Cost: $1500 (deposit of $750 due on December 15, balance due February 1)
Contact Rebecca Hatton (rebeccah@thirdrva.org) directly to receive the trip application, the schedule, and a sample support raising letter. Applicants will be notified about acceptance, considering team size and the team's specific needs for the given areas of ministry.
If you have any questions, contact Rebecca Hatton.
Learn more from one of our mission partners, Andrew Fuller, on his media ministry to people in the Middle East.
“Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.”
The story of Scripture is the story of a world made good, a world that is broken, a world that is being restored and will one day be renewed. Through the risen Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit, God is in the business of repairing what has been broken and rebuilding what has been torn down. This local missions weekend over November 11-13, we’ll look at some ways that sin has broken and taken apart metro Richmond, and how God and God’s people are at work in the rebuilding, to be the “ties that bind” broken communities back together again.
The story of Richmond is written in history books, but almost more accurately it's written in our streets and neighborhoods. As in many cities in the United States, results are often dictated by the color of your skin or the numbers in your zip code.
Join us on November 11th for a historical perspective on how infrastructure and policy have and can be used to divide people and increase inequities or to unite neighbors and help everyone flourish. Ted Elmore, Executive Director of Richmond BridgePark Foundation and Shekinah Mitchell, Director of the Piedmont Community Land Trust, will provide context and perspective around these issues and reflect on what unity and equity could look like in Richmond.
This conversation directly builds off the themes identified by Reverend Benjamin Campbell in his visit to Third in November 2019. Ted and Shekinah will show us specific examples of Rev. Campbell’s talk at work; and consider what we might do about it.
Ted Elmore is passionate about design, urban spaces, celebrating the richness of Richmond, and bringing people together. After 15 years of practicing corporate finance law, he now leads the ambitious BridgePark project, a community effort to bring a unique gathering, connective, and educational space to the James River and downtown Richmond. Inspired by The High Line in New York City, BridgePark will be a symbol of Richmond's future and a new model for creating public space in America. Ted’s stewardship of this groundbreaking project has fostered community change long before a shovel hits the ground. In 2017, BridgePark expanded the equity lens and proposed footprint of BridgePark to focus on breaches in our cityscape created by years of racist planning and policy. In 2019, BridgePark also paired with urban planner, Shekinah Mitchell, in creating frameworks for equitable development of the project. Ted has served on the Board of Directors of The Gray Haven Project, Studio Two Three, and GroundworkRVA, was a founding director of Current Art Fair and Fall Line Fest, and is an Associate Member of the Virginia State Bar.
Shekinah Mitchell has 15 years of experience in comprehensive community development and currently serves as Executive Director of Piedmont Community Land Trust. She has worked within local, regional, statewide and national organizations including Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Urban Hope RVA, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and Virginia Early Childhood Foundation. As a consultant, Shekinah has led strategic planning, trainings, focus groups, and served as a facilitator for organizations and initiatives including Charlottesville’s Public Housing Association of Residents, VCU, United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg, Weissberg Foundation, Richmond Memorial Health Foundation, and the East End Black Wealth Building Initiative. Shekinah has a Bachelor’s in Business Management from Radford University, and holds a certification in Racial and Intersectional Equity through Converge College. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from VCU where she partnered with BridgePark RVA to produce her plan on the concept of infra-sutures, elevating equitable physical development (housing, green space, commercial development, transportation infrastructure etc.) as a tool for physical, social, and economic connectivity and justice.
On Saturday we'll take a closer look at our city through the eyes of some of our local missions partners and see how they are doing the work of "restoring the streets" we live in.
Want to learn more about the Church Hill community? Have you been thinking about affordable housing in our city and feel overwhelmed? Want to have some fun getting to know Urban Hope?
Come along on our Urban Hope Bus Tour! Join us as we tour the many facets of our neighborhood, share some history, celebrate our progress, and invite you to learn more about how Urban Hope is helping to create housing opportunities for low-income families in the East End.
Come to worship as we welcome Dr. Amy Sherman, author of the recent book Agents of Flourishing. Amy has written eloquently about how followers of Jesus can use their vocations and gifts to join God in his work of repair and restoration of our communities.
8:45 and 11:00 AM: Amy will preach in both services.
10:00 AM: Amy will speak briefly about her new book in the Fellowship Hall. Agents of Flourishing will be available for sale.
Richmond’s Unhealed History - Ben Campbell
Color of Law - Richard Rothstein
5 Miles Away, A World Apart - James E. Ryan
Watch our Ben Campbell event from November 2019: Part 1 and Part 2
Come and hear about Vision International Academic Centre from our covenant partner, Callaway Sprinkle!
Third covenant partner, Callaway Sprinkle co-founded this academic center in 2019. The centre is a Christian, internationally-focused language and social development foundation that seeks to invest in human development amongst the youth population of Karakol and the Issyk-Kul region. This language center is the first of its type in the entirety of the Issyk-Kul region. They believe that the building of Christian community and the education of young people where they live in Karakol will develop valuable business and life skills and build stronger international relationships.
Join us to hear more and learn how you can effectively pray for this academic center during this lunch.
Sunday, November 6
12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall
No RSVP is necessary!
Questions? Contact Rebecca Hatton.
Our mission partner STEP is now collecting donations of new, unwrapped children's gifts for the Christmas Store 2022.
These donations are marked to half price or less and made available to the parents of children living in Gilpin Court and surrounding low-income communities. The Christmas store offers parents the dignity of making a sacrifice of love for their children at an affordable price!
Suggested Items: Please include the original purchase price on the item by Sharpie or a Sticky Note.
Skateboards, Bikes, and Scooters
Stuffed Animals, African-American Dolls
Arts & Crafts, Sports Equipment (Basketballs, Jump Ropes, etc)
Headphones and Electronics
Board Games, Educational Toys
Toy Cars/Trucks
Gift Cards to fast food restaurants (McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A).
Bring your donated items to a bin in the church building or office building, starting Sunday, November 6.
Contact Rebecca Hatton (rebeccah@thirdrva.org) if you have any questions.
Come meet Helen T., a woman from Central Asia who is involved in coordinating many strategic efforts to share the good news of Jesus among the nations of Central Asia.
Learn more from one of our mission partners about reaching the unreached.
Our mission partner, Urban Hope, generally hosts two volunteer days per year in addition to specific volunteer projects. Come and help at this volunteer event on Saturday, Oct. 1 to do landscaping, fence repair, and painting projects at affordable rental units.