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Mission Presentation and Luncheon

Jeanette Brannan from Together for Tanzania

Sunday, September 17, 12:15 p.m., Gathering Space at Regency

Our mission partner Jeanette Brannan serves with Together for Tanzania. TFT works to improve educational opportunities for the poorest children in Tanzania. Their most significant accomplishment continues to be the education of students, preschool through master’s programs. TFT’s missional ministry includes assisting partner pastors with repairs of churches, ministry expenses, and emergency medical expenses. TFT continues to distribute food and clothing to hundreds of people in need, especially to TFT students, their families, and widows.

Please join us in the main gathering space on the first floor after the 11:00 a.m. service for a light lunch and presentation. No RSVP is needed.

Questions? Contact Rebecca Hatton.

Earlier Event: September 17
Welcome Coffee
Later Event: September 24
Appreciation Luncheon for Nan Clarke