Receive Care from Third
If you are experiencing uncertainty, pain, fear, or vulnerability, our lay leaders and staff are here to listen, pray, and connect you to resources in our community. If you need care or support, our office is available Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please contact our Director of Care, Becky Bowers, with a brief description of your need and the best way for us to contact you.
Office Phone: 804-282-4645
Share your prayer requests with us
We all need prayer— and requesting prayer isn’t just for those in crisis or turmoil. By sharing our burdens with our community, we invite in our brothers and sisters to intercede on our behalf. Please share your prayer needs with us, and our committed prayer team will be praying alongside you.
If you would like to receive our weekly prayer list, please email Sterling: