Our 9:30 a.m. hour is a dedicated time for rest, connection, and learning.

We hope you can find space for what you need during this hour, whether that’s meeting with friends, sitting in quiet, or learning in a topical and interesting class. Find what works for you!

Kids and Students

Sunday School Program

Our annual Sunday school program runs from August through June, and is offered for all kids 2 years old and up at 10:00 a.m. found in the maps below.

Learn more about our Nursery and Children’s Ministry, Club 56 (5th & 6th Graders), and Student Ministry (7th grade and up). All kids and students Kindergarten and older meet in their designated rooms, found below.

These age groups meet on the first floor:

  • Infants: newborn through walking steadily

  • Toddlers: walkers through 2-year-olds

  • Little Lambs: 2-year-olds by Sept. 30

  • Little Lions: 3-year-olds by Sept. 30 (and potty trained!)

These age groups meet on the second floor:

  • Little Eagles: 4 and 5 year olds, and Pre-K

  • Kindergarten - 4th Grade

  • Student Ministry (7th-12th Grade)

Club 56 (5th - 6th Grade) meet in the basement.

Adult Classes

Forest ave Classes

Called to the Marketplace: Seeing your work as ministry and mission
Led by Buddy Childress, this four week class will cover such issues as God’s view of work, a Biblical understanding of calling, how our work can– and should–impact the culture, and also how culture has been affected by the church. We'll discuss practical application and also include times of open and meaningful Q & A.
Room 204, Led by Buddy Childress, February 16 - March 9

Metamorphosis | Book Study on Blessed Are Misfits by Brant Hansen
Do you or anyone you know ever feel like a spiritual misfit? Join us to discuss the book Blessed Are Misfits by Brant Hansen, this very genuine and vulnerable personal account by a Christian podcaster and self-described misfit as we delve into doubts and struggles with spirituality that just might be more common than we think.
Multipurpose Room, 500 Forest Avenue (Office Building!)

Practicing the Way: Generosity
When Jesus said there is more joy in giving than in receiving, he turned our vision of the good life on its head. Through the practice of generosity, we tap into God’s joy, find freedom from greed through contentment, and embody God’s concern for those in need.
Room 201, Led by Becky Bowers and Rick Hutton, February 9-23

People of the Word: Hebrews
Join us for a deep study of the book of Hebrews. The class will explore the details and themes of this foundational narrative and its importance for our understanding of how to live faithfully as God's covenantal people today. 
Room 107, Led by Kyle Frayser, Paul White, and others

600 Forest Maps

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