Infant Baptism: For your infant or young child (4 and younger) to be baptized, you and/or your spouse must be an active Covenant Partner of Third Church. If you are not a Covenant Partner, please contact Rick Hutton, Pastor of Discipleship and Family Ministry, to learn more about our Exploring Covenant Partnership classes. Why do we baptize infants?

Adult / Older Child Baptism: Any adult or older child (age 5+) who professes faith in Jesus Christ may request baptism at Third Church. We encourage you to make Third your church home before baptism.

When you are ready to begin the baptism process, you may fill out the appropriate Baptism Request Form at the bottom of this section.

Baptism Classes

The first step Session has defined toward preparing for and scheduling infant baptism is to take part in a baptism class with other parents. We offer these classes in two categories—first time baptisms and returning baptisms. Both are held with the intention of fostering community and conversation with other families. 

For first-time families, we will talk about the meaning of baptism and the vows that both you as parents and the congregation will take. It will be a time of exploring God’s promise and activity toward you and your child, how we as a congregation will be engaged together with you as you seek to help your child grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus. We will also share together things we are learning about nurturing your child’s spiritual life.

For returning families, this class time is spent sharing how you have seen the baptismal vows play out in your everyday family life. 

In preparation, we ask that you please read over the linked material on baptism and come ready to talk about the following:     

  • Your understanding of what baptism means

  • Practical ideas you have for living out the vows you will be taking

  • Questions that you have about baptism  

We ask that you RSVP prior to attending the class. All classes are held during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday school hour. Please email to RSVP.

First Time Family Class Dates: May 11, July 13, September 14
Returning Family Class Dates: April 13, June 8, August 10

Baptisms are traditionally held on the second Sunday of the month at both services. Some Sundays may be restricted due to the liturgical calendar or other needs of the service. We will do our best to accommodate your first choice of date. We limit baptisms to two per service due to time constraints (or one household per service if more than one child in a family is baptized).

Dates Available for Baptism

May 11, 2025 at 9:30 or 11:00 am
July 13, 2025 at 9:30 or 11:00 am
August 10, 2025 at 9:30 or 11:00 am
September 14, 2025 at 9:30 or 11:00 am