“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Looking for a space to build meaningful community with other women, engage with Scripture, and find ways to serve with others? Learn more about upcoming Women’s events and happenings by signing up for our newsletter or contacting Becky Bowers.
Connecting to God
We seek to connect to God in our worship services, daily devotions, and Bible studies.
Connecting with one another
We want to foster intergenerational relationships and encourage genuine friendships through Bible studies and interest groups, as well as as well by offering an annual conference, a summer book study and a yearly Christmas dinner.
Connecting to the community
We love our neighbors by actively engaging in service projects with our Parishes and spending time visiting other members of the church.

Women’s Groups
We have many women’s groups who meet on different days and study different texts and books. Find a group that works for you! All are open and available to newcomers.
Join us for an Upcoming Gathering
Upcoming events will be posted here. To stay in the loop on upcoming Women’s events and happenings, sign up for our newsletter.