We believe we are called together for the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ.
Third Church is a vibrant 1400-member Presbyterian congregation in the ECO denomination. We believe that the triune God has triumphed over sin and death through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, guaranteeing the eventual renewal of all things, and we are now invited into that ongoing work of renewal in Richmond and around the world.
Lead pastor Corey Widmer briefly walks through our church’s history, beliefs, and next steps to get connected.
We are called by the grace of God in Jesus Christ from darkness to light, from death to life, from isolation to relationship. This grace saves us through faith and compels us to offer the whole of our lives in worship to the triune God. We come before him weekly to worship, seek training and embrace spiritual practices in our everyday lives.
1 John 4:19 2 | Ephesians 2:8–9 | Thessalonians 1:11–12 | John 15:16
We are called together as a new community through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to live as an authentic spiritual family that crosses generational, cultural, and vocational lines. In this, we bear witness to the power of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to reconcile us to both God and neighbor. We cultivate community within our parishes across metro Richmond, through neighborhood and small groups, and by enabling our people to exercise their spiritual gifts in service to one another.
Ephesians 4:1–3 | Hebrews 10:24–25 | John 17:20–23
For the Renewal of All Things
We are called together for the renewal of all things. Anticipating the ultimate renewal when Jesus establishes his Kingdom forever, we submit our lives to a renewing relationship with Jesus Christ, and serve as agents of renewal in our neighborhoods, workplaces, city, and indeed the whole earth. We join the work of Jesus through sharing the good news and doing works of love and justice, through prayer and through partnering with brothers and sisters in mission across the world.
Matthew 19:28–30 | Titus 3:5 | Acts 1:8
Through Jesus Christ
We are called together for the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ. All that we do in worship, community, and mission are in him and through him. In the reformed tradition and as a member of the ECO, our confessions and creeds, essential tenets and beliefs provide the unwavering filter through which we view, engage, and bring renewal to our culture, city, and world. In Christ alone, we live, move and have our being.
Acts 17:24–31 | Philippians 4:13 | 2 Corinthians 12:9–11

Our Beliefs & Values
We embrace Biblical and Historic Christianity as expressed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and as summarized in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed. Additionally, as a member of the ECO denomination, we affirm the ECO’s Essential Tenets as a brief summary of our doctrinal commitments.
Biblical Faithfulness
We are rooted in Scripture, believing that God speaks through his living and active Word today, just as he has in the past. In a time when many struggle to find meaning and direction, we believe that the Bible tells the true story of the triune God, the world, and ourselves, and we endeavor to live humbly and responsively within that story.
Gospel Community
We are bound together in our differences through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to live as an authentic spiritual family that crosses generational, cultural, and vocational lines. By loving one another, we bear witness to the power of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to reconcile us to God and neighbor.
Intentional Discipleship
We are growing as Christ-followers, equipping one another for deep understanding of the faith and faithful living in every dimension of life. Training hearts, minds and hands, we aim to cultivate spiritual maturity, encourage one another towards wisdom, and help every person be transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Watch a conversation about what this value looks like at Third.
Missional Orientation
We are sent out in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the good news of Jesus, his grace, and his Kingdom, and to join in God’s work of restoration. We lovingly engage and sacrificially give ourselves to advance the shalom of metro Richmond and the world. Watch a conversation about what this value means for Third.
Catalytic Culture
We are creating partnerships that invite others into the broader movement of God, focusing on the growth of the Kingdom more than that of Third Church. We foster an entrepreneurial, risk-taking culture to equip and release Spirit-led leaders to seed our region and world with new ministries, communities and institutions for the common good. Watch a conversation about what this value looks like at Third.

Our History
The church began in 1834 as a mission to dockworkers in downtown Richmond. In 1835, Third Presbyterian Church of Richmond was founded with a membership of sixteen people. In the years that followed, the church gathered for worship along the wharfs and in a tobacco factory. In 1850, Third began meeting in a plain brick building in the heart of Church Hill, and eventually constructed a new building a block away at 2515 E Broad Street in 1873.
In 1956, the church sold their property in Church Hill and moved to their current property on Forest Avenue. Third built and expanded into its new sanctuary in 1968, and renewed its call to missions as it began to plant and help launch new churches and start innovative, self-sufficient ministries across the city.
In 2013, the church left the PC(USA) and joined the ECO denomination, changing their name from Third Presbyterian Church to Third Church. In 2015, Corey Widmer became Third’s Lead Pastor, and the church merged traditional and contemporary services and began worshiping together in the Sanctuary. In 2018, Third launched their Parish Life initiative, which included starting Parish Groups across the city, and installing Parish Elders in each of the Parish Areas.
Over the past several years, the church has joyfully and generously pledged funding to the Renew Campaign to renovate our nearly 70-year-old building on Forest Avenue. In 2022, Third moved into our temporary space at Regency Mall for the duration of the renovation, which is on track to be completed by the end of 2024. We are eager to see how God continues to use Third Church for his work of renewal at Regency Mall, and wherever else he leads.
Churches Launched and Nurtured by Third
Montrose Presbyterian Church: 1910
Christ Church: 1980
Hope Church
Swift Creek Presbyterian
Eternity Church: 2003
East End Fellowship: 2005
Community West Church: 2009
Community Ministries Developed by Third members
Strategies to Elevate People (STEP): 1980
Needles Eye: 1980
Cross Over Health Clinics: 1983
Churchill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT): 2001
Church Hill Academy: 2008
Urban Hope: 2005
Blue Sky: 2005
Richmond Christian Leadership Institute (RCLI): 2007

Next Steps
Want to get involved with our church community?
Here are a few ways to get started:
Say hello! Connect with Becky Bowers, our Director of Community and Care, and let her know what you’re interested in learning more about.
Stay in the loop. Sign up for our emails and subscribe to our podcast to hear from Corey and other ministry leaders about ways to engage in the life of the church.
Connect with your neighbors. Meet others from Third in Parish Groups!