Central Asia is a land of beauty and mystery. In the early centuries of our era a large Christian church thrived throughout Central Asia.
Helen T.
Through a series of wars the Christian population was annihilated and Islam established. In the 19th century Russia conquered all of Central Asia. During the 20th century Soviets attempted to wipe out all religion in this vast region. Throughout the Soviet period and till today, Christians have preached the gospel among the Muslim majority peoples of Central Asia. In this part of the world, women are expected to remain quiet in the background.
Come meet Helen T., a woman from Central Asia who is involved in coordinating many strategic efforts to share the good news of Jesus among the nations of Central Asia.
Monday, October 24, at 7:00pm
Ellen Duerksen’s home: 5628 St. James Court
Please RSVP to ellenduerk@gmail.com or lj@thirdrva.org.