God’s Invitation

This week, we will continue our Taste & See sermon series, in which we've been invited to deeply experience God's goodness. On Sunday we will hear from Drew Cleveland, who will preach on Jesus' invitation to all people to feast at his table.

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God’s Compassion

This week, Charles Teixeira will dive into a moment in Christ’s ministry that shows us the compassion of God which sees our every hunger and is eager to satisfy our needs for our sake and for his glory.

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God’s Rest

This Sunday we’re starting a new summer sermon series called “Taste and See." We’ll be tracing the theme of food and feasting throughout the Bible. In each of biblical stores we’ll study, we’re looking at the different ways that God nourishes us. We’ll see that the meals God provides give us the opportunity to actually experience his goodness–to “taste and see” who He is, what kind of kingdom he is inaugurating here on earth, and to invite others to the table.

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Hope for Our Relationships

We continue to explore our resurrection hope this Sunday as learn about the hope of the resurrection for our relationships. We'll ask what hope the resurrection offers for our broken relationships. What does the resurrection mean for our fractured families and friendships? For our polarized society? For our divided church communities?

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Jesus Defeats Death

On this Easter Sunday, we look at the story of the women who come to the tomb and find it empty, with a messenger proclaiming that Jesus is risen. And because of that empty tomb, the lives of these women and men are changed forever, and the world will never be the same.

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Jesus Stops

We finish our exploration of the wonderful chapter of Mark 10 this week with the story of Bartimaeus. This Sunday we’ll look at why this blind beggar is the model disciple and what it would mean for us to become like him too.

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Jesus Serves

This Sunday we’ll look at the next section in this action packed chapter 10 of the book of Mark. As Jesus walks ever more resolutely toward his death in Jerusalem, his disciples seem ever more confused about the meaning of Jesus’ mission.

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Jesus Demands

This Sunday we’ll learn about a very personal encounter that Jesus has with a successful young man in Mark 10, and what happens when Jesus calls him to follow him.

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