Jesus Turns

This Sunday we’ll see the turn that the book of Mark takes when Peter confesses Jesus’ identity, and Jesus then immediately begins to tell them about the cross. This is a bracing beginning to Lent.

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Jesus Calms

This Sunday we’ll see Jesus as the one who calms storms. Elisabeth Hayes will be preaching on this famous story, and we’ll reflect on how it speaks to us in this stormy season of life.

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Jesus Gives Rest

In a time of immense restlessness and conflict, we are meditating this week on Jesus as the Lord of the Sabbath. He has come to give us deep rest of soul, and to ultimately bring creation itself into everlasting Shalom.

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Youth Sunday: Jesus Heals

This Sunday is Youth Sunday! Sometimes we refer to our young people as the "future church," but on this particular Sunday we are reminded that they are also the church of the present. There is no Holy Spirit Junior! The same Holy Spirit who empowers us has gifted each of our students with special anointing to lead God's people, and this Sunday we have the opportunity to receive from them.

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Jesus Calls

This Sunday we’ll look at the first words of Jesus in the book of Mark: “The time has come! The Kingdom of God has come near! Repent and believe the good news!” We’ll explore the nature of Jesus call and also look at his first invitation to a group of people to become his disciples.

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Jesus Arrives

We’re also beginning a new sermon series this Sunday on the Gospel of Mark called The Way of Jesus. From now through Easter, we’ll be looking at the person of Jesus through Mark’s eyes, learning about his identity and mission. We’ll kick off the series this Sunday by looking at the first 13 verses.

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New Life, New Community

The book of Ephesians is all about the new things God has done through the gospel, and in our text this Sunday we’ll focus on two of those things. First, the new life God has given us in Christ, second, the new community God has created through Jesus, which we can now participate in through the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

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Mothers of Jesus: Bathsheba

We are nearing the end of our Advent sermon series on the mothers of Jesus with this look at Bathsheba. Typically, people look at this story from the perspective of David, but we’ll be looking at it from the perspective of Bathsheba, and what her role in Jesus’s lineage tells us about the hope of his coming. WARNING: This week’s text tells a story of rape, deception, manipulation and murder. These topics may be difficult for some individuals, including young children or victims of sexual assault or violence. Please listen with caution if you find yourself in that audience.

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Mothers of Jesus: Ruth

This week, we continue our study of the Mothers of Jesus - a look at the five women mentioned in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus. In the Book of Ruth, we find the ultimate outsider and we find ancient echoes of what would become Jesus’ most famous words - the Sermon on the Mount.

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Mothers of Jesus: Tamar

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent! We begin again a new cycle of the Christian year, retelling the most important story of our lives. Advent means “arrival.” We look back on those who waited for the coming of the Messiah, and we look ahead as those who continue to wait for his return. This Sunday we are excited to begin a new Advent series called “The Mothers of Jesus.” We’ll be looking each week at one of the five women who are named in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1, and what each of them tells us about the mystery of the incarnation and the grace of God. Our pastoral resident Elisabeth Hayes put this series together, and she’ll be preaching the first message this Sunday on Tamar.

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An Eternal King

This Sunday is the last Sunday of the Christian calendar year, which has historically been called "Christ the King" Sunday. On this day we celebrate that Jesus is King over all nations and all creation, and that he will one day come to reclaim his Kingdom forever. It feels especially fitting this Sunday as we have been working through our series on 1 and 2 Samuel called “Longing for the True King.” We’ll finish the series this Sunday in one of the most significant chapters of the Old Testament, 2 Samuel 7.

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A King Who Unites

This Sunday we’ll look at the climax that we have moving toward since 1 Samuel 16, when the young shepherd boy David was pulled from the fields and anointed as the future king. David takes a fragmented collection of warring tribes and pulls them together as a united Kingdom. We’ll look at what this tells us about the unique kind of unity that God creates for his people.

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A Merciful King

This Sunday we’ll continue the story of David the King. Pastor Fakhri Yacoub will be preaching on “A Merciful King,” looking at the remarkable way that David chose to show mercy in his role as King rather than behave like the kings of the nations.

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