Filtering by: Men

Dudes on the Farm: A Unique Men's Retreat
to Mar 23

Dudes on the Farm: A Unique Men's Retreat

Murray Withrow, covenant partner and mission partner with Servant Partners, is organizing this opportunity for the men of Third (and all guys 13+ with a guardian) to come to this unique discipleship-focused retreat. Join Murray, along with some of his students from the East End, for this great weekend in the outdoors, as we encourage men and older boys in their spiritual formation, and find ways to bridge the gap between boyhood and manhood.

When: March 21-23 (Friday 6pm to Sunday 10am)

Where: 2136 Horseshoe Trail, Alton, VA 24520 (Horseshoe Farm). 40 beds are available on site (in barns and train cars), and tent camping is available to anyone who wants it

Who: Boys and Men 13+ (Third Church and Servant Partners). Any minors must be accompanied by a guardian.

Why: To encourage men and older boys in their spiritual formation, and to find ways to bridge the gap between boyhood and manhood

Cost: No Fees! (thanks to the generosity of Harman and Beth Saunders)

Sign up here!

Questions? Contact Murray.

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Men's Conference with Justin Earley
to Feb 22

Men's Conference with Justin Earley

Join us for a Men’s Conference at Third!

With Author, Speaker, and Covenant Partner Justin Earley

Join the men of Third for a weekend to be challenged and encouraged to engage more deeply in community to know one another and to know God more. We'll eat together, worship together, and hear from our very own Justin Earley about the importance of community and deepening relationships, based on his book Made for People.

We'll gather Friday night at 6 for BBQ from Deep Run Roadhouse, hear Justin's message and have small group time from about 7–9. On Saturday, we’ll have light breakfast offerings and coffee starting at 8:30 and then from 9–12 Justin will share twice with small group discussion after each message.

Friday, Feb. 21, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 22, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Third Church, 600 Forest

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Men’s Steak Night
5:30 PM17:30

Men’s Steak Night

  • Community West Church Pavilion (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Looking to know more guys from Third, reconnect with those you already know, or hang out with some of Thirds' elders? Join us for food and fellowship as we kick off another year of men’s ministry.

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 18, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Location: Community West Church Pavilion (2340 Pump Rd, Henrico, VA 23233)

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Men’s Spring Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Men’s Spring Dinner

Looking to know more guys from Third, reconnect with those you already know, or hang out with some of Thirds' elders?

Join us for burgers, brats and some outdoor fun. All men are welcome! Drew Cleveland will be sharing on his love for history, the stories of our fathers, and the big Story of the Gospel.

Date & Time: Thursday, April 18, 6PM- 830PM

Location: Pump Rd Pavilion 2340 Pump Rd, Henrico, VA 23233

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Men's Annual Fall Outdoor Gathering (with kids!)
3:00 PM15:00

Men's Annual Fall Outdoor Gathering (with kids!)


Men’s Fall Gathering

Join us for this awesome 4th annual event

Join us for a Saturday in a park on the river. This is our 4th annual meeting!

Come have some outdoor fun, relax, fish and enjoy some quality time with other men from Third - plus kids are invited to join their dads! Also, enjoy some good BBQ, a bonfire and a meaningful conversation.

Saturday - November 19th, 3-8:00pm
Private Land on Dover Lake
Manakin Sabot, VA
$10 per adult, $5 per child ($20 max with kids)

The Lake house restricts occupancy at the Pavilion to 50 persons so you must reserve your place – first come, first served.


  • 3-5 pm: Outdoor games, fishing (bring your own tackle and bait), exploring the area

  • 5-6 pm: Dinner

  • 6-8 pm: Bonfire with message and conversation with speaker

This is for all men - not just dads. All are welcome!

Questions? Contact Drew Cleveland.

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Men's Ministry: Dinner & Discussion
5:30 PM17:30

Men's Ministry: Dinner & Discussion


Find a rhythm of life together with the other guys at Third. Come to this dinner and hangout. We’ll hear from a great outside speaker, and have plenty of good food and good conversation.

Saturday, May 7
5:30: Gathering starts | 6:00 Dinner with Conversation to Follow
The Harper’s Home:
463 Blair Road

About our Speaker: Curt Wilbur is a faithful elder, father (and father-in-law to Billy Harper) and former business executive who lives in Lexington and will share from his many years of walking alongside other men.

Questions? Get in touch with Drew Cleveland or Billy Harper .

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Men's Workout & Breakfast
8:30 AM08:30

Men's Workout & Breakfast

Come out on Saturday morning, February 26th, to exercise the body, mind and soul. Join us for a group workout (bootcamp style) and fun-run to start the day, followed by a hot breakfast, some time in the Word, and a time of encouragement and challenge to us as men. 

Dress warmly but we’ll have a fire and some heaters going. All men, all ages welcome - bring yourself, bring a friend, bring some Parish Group guys - come have fun! 


  • Workout (optional) will start at 730am prompt.

  • Breakfast ($5 per guy) will get rolling at 830am.

  • The Word and some words, we’ll wrap by 10:30am.

WHERE: Community West Pavilion 2340 Pump Road

Click Here to RSVP  (Ends Friday 11AM 2/25)

Challenge: Bring some friends! Invite 3-4 guys via text or call. Copy the link above and ask a couple of men to join us Saturday.

Questions? If you have announcements of other men’s activities or have ideas for future ones, email or text Drew | 703.901.1606

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Men's Annual Fall Outdoor Gathering (with kids!)
3:00 PM15:00

Men's Annual Fall Outdoor Gathering (with kids!)


Join us for a Saturday in a park on the river. This is our 3rd annual meeting!

Enjoy some outdoor fun with other men from Third, spend quality time with your kids, share a meal together and hear other dads from Third discuss what they are learning about being fathers through the failures and victories of this season.

Saturday - October 16th, 3-8:00pm
Robious Land Parking | Shelters 1 (main) and Shelter 2
3800 James River Rd, Midlothian VA 23113
Cost: $10 ($20 max with kids)

This is for all men - not just dads. All are welcome! We will discuss the idea that God our Father calls us to be sons and co-heirs of the kingdom and how that relates to being a man.


3 - 5:30 pm Games, sports and hangout time by the James River
5:30 - 6:30 pm Dinner
6:30 - 8 pm Evening conversation


  • Older children and Adults meal Cost: $10 per meal

  • Younger children - Chick-Fil-A nuggets and Mac 'n' Cheese Cost: $5.00 per meal

  • Maximum Family cost $20.00

Questions? Contact Drew Cleveland.

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Men's Ministry: Summer Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Men's Ministry: Summer Dinner


Join us for this late summer BBQ with the men of Third

Come enjoy food and fellowship with other men from Third Church. Hear from Corey, Drew and Ed about the vision for men’s ministry, the value of friendship, and ways you can connect with guys this fall.

Thursday, August 19
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Community West Pavilion 2340 Pump Rd. Henrico VA 23233
Cost: $5

Sign up today!

Questions? Contact Drew Cleveland.

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Men's Ministry: Outdoor Gathering
3:00 PM15:00

Men's Ministry: Outdoor Gathering

Join us at Dover Lake Pavilion in Goochland for a great outdoor event when we can gather and bring our kids.

Get out on a lake for a beautiful fall afternoon to connect with other men, bring your children, eat great food from Deep Run Roadhouse and hear a refreshing message from Tommy Thompson from his new book Space to Breathe Again: Hope for the Overloaded and Overwhelmed. What a win - win way to spend your afternoon!

Schedule for the afternoon:

  • 3-5 pm games, fishing on the lake (bring your own tackle), exploring the area;

  • 5-6 pm Dinner from Deep Run Roadhouse and Chic-Fil-A for our younger guests;

  • 6-8 pm Bonfire and time to hear from Tommy Thompson and talk with each other. -

Directions to Dover Lake Pavilion in Goochland

  •  Take Patterson Ave West to Goochland Turn Right on Miller’s Lane Go 1.6 miles and turn Right on Turkey Trot

  • Go .7 miles and turn Right on Barley Field Road

  • Go .2 miles on turn Left on gravel road to Dover Lake Pavilion Park on grass as you come in (will have someone helping you to location)

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2019 Men's Retreat
to Feb 2

2019 Men's Retreat

2019 Square.jpg

Third Church Men’s Retreat

Adam’s Return: The communal journey towards cruciform (cross-shaped) masculinity

Friday, February 1: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 2: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Speakers: Bill Copeland and Derek Mondeau

In American society today, men have plenty of everything—money, sex, power, education—and many voices telling them how to be happy and successful. There are also voices telling them they are little more than sources of oppression in a world marked by the abuse of power. 

In this context, whether you are young or old, the question of what it means to be a man is confusing. Most men long for the support and nurture of other men to help in the journey toward masculinity, maturity, and a deeper experience of God. But rarely do we get to actually experience what we long for.

During this retreat, Derek and Bill will use three things as a framework to explore your own masculinity, your own spirituality, and your own potential for leadership.

  • The first is Scripture, in order to understand the masculine journey in the context of redemption.

  • The second is Richard Rohr’s book Adam’s return, in order to understand how masculinity is embodied and bestowed in community.

  • The third is Bill and Derek’s own story, and the story of men in our midst, in order to understand how men walking with one another, across generations, can lead to deep Gospel transformation.

As Rohr says, “Men are people, not gods. We need to confront suffering, loss, and death before we can live with cruciform wisdom and vision.” We hope this weekend will empower and equip us to become men of cruciform vision and cruciform wisdom.

About our speakers:

  • Bill Copeland is the Pastor of Christ Community Church, Charlottesville Virginia. Bill is a former linebacker for UVA. Before entering the pastorate, Bill career in Christian education and the development of young men and women. He worked for one of the most well known Christian private schools — Stony Brook.  Derek says, “Bill is simply the best discipler of men, and particularly older men, that I know.”

  • Derek Mondeau is Third Church’s Pastor of Discipleship and Parish Ministry.  After serving for 11 years with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship on the campus of the University of Virginia, he then served as IV Area Director until 2017.  Derek and his wife Sue then came to Third to help lead and develop discipleship ministries and birth Third’s Parish ministry.

Cost: $50.00

The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 30.

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