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Men's Quarterly Dinner - January 2020


We hope you will join in on a great evening to connect with other men, a great meal, and to be challenged to be all that God intends us to be as men.

Tuesday, January 14
6:00 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
Cost: $5

Our Topic: Am I Enough?
Speaker: Eddie Isler

Many of us feel like we are working hard to prove ourselves. Many of us grew up feeling like we weren't valued, others feel worn out by the pressures and complexities of life that have left us trying to patch ourselves together. But God says to us, "You are mine" and because Christ is enough, we can rest in him. Speaker Eddie Isler, elder at McLean Presbyterian Church in Northern VA and one of the top lawyers in employer/employee law with Ray and Isler will lead us in thinking on the topic “Am I Enough?”

Later Event: January 19
Welcome Coffee: January 2020