Join us for this journey through the Gospels!
A Guided Tour of the Bible is a short 5-week study focusing on one section of the Bible. We dig into that one section, looking at a different book each week, so we can better understand and be impacted by its message. We read on our own in-between classes, so then time in class together is an opportunity to explore things you want to know more about, ask questions about what you’ve read, and learn from each other.
There are 10 studies in all, five for the Old Testament and five for the New. You can join the tour for just 5 weeks and take any study in any order but our hope is that at some point you will take them all. Ed Satterfield authored this special Guided Tour and will lead our time together.
Join the Tour at any time! We’d love to have you.
Jan. 9 - Feb. 6 The Letters of Paul
Feb. 13 - March 12 The Non-Pauline Letters
March 19 - April 30 The Revelation of John (*Take 2 weeks off during Easter season)
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Room 217, 600 Forest Avenue
Let us know you want to come so we can prepare materials for you! Contact Sterling: