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Meet our Mission Partner: Paul and Reinhild Sydnor

Come to out to this lunch to catch up with Paul and Reinhild Sydnor!

Sunday, December 12
12:30 p.m. | Tiki Tiki Restaurant
8917 Patterson Avenue

Join us for lunch on Sunday, December 12, after the 11 am service at Tiki Tiki, 8917 Patterson Avenue, Richmond. Please RSVP here so we can make sure we have sufficient space for all! Paul & Reinhild are long-term mission partners who have been serving refugee and immigrant communities, drawing folks to Christ while caring for their practical needs. The Sydnor’s will be with us for the weekend. LJ will interview them in the services.

Questions? Contact Rebecca Hatton.

Earlier Event: December 11
Special Lecture: God's Heart for Refugees
Later Event: December 17
High School Lock-In