Next Sunday we will dive more deeply into the two key metaphors Jesus employs in this teaching: salt and light. But this Sunday, we'll focus on verse 15: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Read MoreWe will not be meeting for corporate worship but have provided a self-guided worship plan for yout to follow with family, neighbors, or friends.
Read MoreWe're going to spend one last week in the beatitudes, but this time we're going to look at them as a complete whole.
Read MoreWe look at the last of the eight beatitudes this week and explore what persecution meant in Jesus's time and what it could mean today.
Read MoreThis week we'll continue in our study with the 7th beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers."
Read MoreThis Sunday, we'll look at two beatitudes about being merciful and pure in heart. What do these concepts mean today, and how are they related to each other? Join us as we explore those questions together.
Read MoreThis Sunday we'll turn to the next beatitude, “Blessed are the meek…”
Read MoreThis Sunday we'll turn to the next beatitude, “Blessed are the meek…”
Read MoreThis week we'll continue to explore the upside-down Kingdom of Jesus through the lens of the beatitudes. This Sunday we'll look at the second beatitude, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Read MoreThis week we’ll learn about what it means to be “poor in spirit” and why Jesus promises that the Kingdom belongs to such people.
Read MoreThis week, we're kicking off a new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, one of the most important teachings of Jesus.
Read MoreThis Sunday we conclude our Summer Series in the Psalms looking at the end of the Psalter at Psalm 150
Read MoreThis Sunday, we continue our study of the Psalms looking at Psalm 67 and are glad to have Richard Haney, Third’s Missiologist in Residence to preach.
Read MoreThis week we look at Psalm 42, a well known Psalm written from a place of honest turmoil and questioning. Elisabeth Hayes shares with us how we may find hope and relief in praying these words, even in our most desperate places.
Read MoreThis Sunday, Ed Satterfield continues our study of the Psalms looking at Psalm 91 and the certainty of God’s promise of protection and care in the midst of all kinds of trouble.
Read MoreGuest preacher Nathan Walton continues our summer series on the Psalms preaching from Psalm 29.
Read MoreWe continue our summer series on the Psalms this Sunday with local mission partner Murray Withrow preaching on Psalm 8.
Read MoreThis week we continue our series as Elisabeth Hayes leads through a reflection on Psalm 51, David’s prayer of repentance.
Read MoreWe continue our summer series on the Psalms this Sunday with Nicole Unice preaching on Psalm 107.
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