I Love to Tell the Story

For Meditation (Nicole Unice)

In preparation for worship this week, spend some time meditating on Psalm 107. This Psalm illustrates in gripping detail the greatest story ever told: the story of a loving God who redeems and gathers his people home, no matter how far they’ve strayed.

The Psalm begins with the exhortation “let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story” and concludes with “whoever is wise…will heed the steadfast love of the Lord.” In between those bookend commands, we discover four different storylines of the lost and found life: from longing to belonging; from broken to free; from foolish to healed; from prideful to peaceful.

The Psalmist reminds us that the greatest testimony we have to a loving God is in the way we live into our own redeemed story: people who’ve been lost, foolish, broken and prideful but have experienced God’s great reversal in Christ: our sin for his righteousness, our anxiety for his peace, and our weakness for his strength. 

Psalm 107:1–9, 43

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

2 Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—
those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
3 those he gathered from the lands,
from east and west, from north and south.

4 Some wandered in desert wastelands,
finding no way to a city where they could settle.
5 They were hungry and thirsty,
and their lives ebbed away.
6 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
7 He led them by a straight way
to a city where they could settle.
8 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for mankind,
9 for he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.

43Let the one who is wise heed these things
and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord.