Posts in Sermon
A Place for You

As Jesus prepares to depart to the Father, leaving the disciples physically, he promises that he will come to them in a new  way through the gift of the Spirit. Because of Jesus' gift of the Spirit, we can live every day of our lives in deep communion with the risen Jesus. He is aways with us.

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The Lord of Life

This Sunday we are looking at the final major miracle in the book of John, the raising of Lazarus. This is such an important story that speaks to the power of Jesus even over death itself.

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The Lord of the Feast

This Sunday we’ll look at the first public miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John, when he changes water into wine at a wedding. It’s a beautiful story that points to who Jesus is and what he has come to do for us and for the world.

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The Son of Man

As the Gospel of John introduces us to Jesus, we’ll see the quiet and beautiful way Jesus begins to build his community. He simply invites ordinary people to “come and see.” We’ll continue the story from where we left off last week, and look at the ways Jesus invites his new disciples into new, transformational experiences.

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Come & See

Join us as we kick off a new sermon series to coincide with our move to Regency! Together, we’ll hear about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and his first interactions with his disciples, and how his first call to them is so simple and clear: “Come and see

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