Posts tagged Always With You
That They May Be One

This Sunday, we’ll conclude our series “Always With You” by looking at John 17:20-26. In this passage we’ll see Jesus’ concluding prayer for his people, that we would be unified in order for the world to know that Jesus is the sent one.

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Becoming Truth Bearers

This Sunday we'll continue in our series on John 15-17 and return to Jesus' teaching on the Holy Spirit in chapter 16. We are excited to welcome guest preacher Nathan Walton this week, who is the pastor of our sister congregation East End Fellowship.

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A Place for You

As Jesus prepares to depart to the Father, leaving the disciples physically, he promises that he will come to them in a new  way through the gift of the Spirit. Because of Jesus' gift of the Spirit, we can live every day of our lives in deep communion with the risen Jesus. He is aways with us.

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