This year’s Nominating Committee wishes to invite all Covenant Partners and staff of Third Church to nominate candidates for the offices of elder, deacon and trustee.

  1. Begin by studying bible passages that delineate qualifications for elders/overseers and deacons found in 1 Timothy 3:2–13 and Titus 1:1–9.

  2. Pray and ask God to illuminate those people who may be biblically gifted and spiritually equipped for serving in one of the roles below. Candidates must be faithful believers, covenant partners of this church, and marked by humility and a desire to serve.

  3. Fill and submit the form below by February 23, 2025. We welcome you to submit multiple nominations!

As we trust the Spirit to move among and speak through the Body of believers, the committee will honor and prayerfully consider all nominations (learn more about how our nominations process works and see the list of current officers). The Nominating Committee: Kathy White and Denise Ellen (elders), Linnea Walker (deacon), Bob Tatti, Anna Henderson, Stephanie Holt, Doug Kinard

All nominees should be active covenant partners who are known to be growing in their spiritual maturity, learning to exercise their gifts and skills, and contributing to the worship and life of our church. All officers are elected by the congregation and serve a three-year term.

  • Spiritual Oversight & Vision: Along with our lead and associate pastors, the Governing Elders form the Session. Together they oversee the spiritual health of our whole community and establish the vision, strategy, and policy for our church. They guide our finances, personnel, and development of new leaders and spur our community to grow in prayer and generosity. Nominees should be spiritually mature and demonstrate wisdom, prayerful discernment, and strategic thinking.

    “Being on session has been rewarding for me to use my gifts and has brought me to a place of understanding how God is providing for our church. My personal gifting of finance has enabled me to lead in budget and stewardship and be a part of the decision-making process as it relates to the Regency space construction. My faith has grown, my prayer life has grown, my respect for our church leadership has grown, my experience of church community has grown, and my sense of kingdom purpose and my love for God has grown. I’ve had the privilege to witness the faithfulness of God’s guiding hand, the miracle of his provision of Regency, and the beauty of a thriving and growing Christian community.”

    Geof Stiff, Governing Elder (Class of 2026)

  • Connection & Discipleship: In faithful response to God’s call to oversee and shepherd his people, Parish Elders build connection and cultivate discipleship in their parish. They engage with individual members to help them connect to the body of Christ and foster their spiritual growth, as well as tend to the life and health of the parish as a whole. Nominees should be servant leaders who have demonstrated gifts to help others grow in their spiritual journey with Christ, to counsel in spiritual matters, and to explain or teach the truths of the Scriptures.

    “My role as parish elder primarily focuses on connection and discipleship. I reach out to people who have been visiting or regularly attending Third and welcome our new Covenant partners as they go through our newcomers’ class, hear their testimonies, and then make sure that they are fully welcomed into both our parish areas and into the congregation, sometimes inviting them to coffee or getting together on a Sunday just to put a face with a name. It’s been an opportunity to be with individuals in times of sorrow as well as joy, whether that’s in person or behind the scenes. It has been a huge blessing for me to just be able to grow deeper and to get to know more people in City North.”

    Lila Hiltz, Parish Elder, City North Parish (Class of 2025)

  • Care & Mission: In faithful response to God’s call to offer hospitality and care for neighbors, Parish Deacons lead their parish in service and mission. They mobilize people within their parish area to minister to physical needs both within the Third family and beyond it, and stimulate engagement in local mission and evangelism. Nominees should be servant leaders who have demonstrated gifts in care and service.

    “Serving as a deacon in City South Parish, I help to lead people in the care of those who are sick, lonely, lost, and increasing engagement in local mission. For me, that has looked at like setting up a meal train, bringing flowers to someone after they’ve had surgery, meeting with people, offering prayer and encouragement, and then serving with a team to look at ways that we can serve immigrants and refugees here in the region. It has been really cool to have a front row seat to God’s work and our community, and it’s really served to strengthen my own faith.”

    Kathryn Perry, Parish Deacon, City South Parish (Class of 2025)

  • Facilities & Resource Stewardship: Trustees steward Third’s facilities, grounds and financial resources and manage the legal and safety needs of our church.  They guide “big picture” planning and decision-making as relates to our maintenance, facilities, finances, lease agreements, contracts, and risk management.  Nominees should demonstrate gifts of discernment, management, and administration. 

    “I serve as a trustee here at Third, and we work hand in hand with the elders, deacons, and staff to really focus on the operational needs of the church, whether it be from a financial, legal, safety, or insurance perspective. We touch on a lot of different aspects to help make sure that Third is a good, safe, and fun place to worship and to be in community with each other. I’ve just really been grateful to see how the trustees have an impact on so many different aspects of the church and just being involved in that.”

    Ian Woie, Trustee (Class of 2025)