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Sports Skills Camp

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At our 5th Annual Sports Skills Camp, we combine the fun and excitement of great sports training in soccer and basketball with the great news of the Gospel.  Sponsored by Third Church, the Christian Arabic Church and Community West Church, this week offers time for children to build sports skills and to learn about Christian character building from skilled college athletes, both local athletes and Sports Outreach Institute athletes.  

Who: Children and Youth, rising 1 - 9 grades*.

What: SOI and local RVA athletes will lead campers through stations, which focus on a particular skill applicable to soccer, basketball, or kickball. Each day, the children will rotate through all stations and on Friday, we'll also have a picnic and a special kickball game with adults and campers!

Where: Pump Road Fields, 2340 Pump Road, 23233. 

Cost: $80 provides a space for each camper (a second child: $70, a third child: $60). The fee helps pay for the coaches from Sports Outreach Institute, benefits local campers, and helps to support a local missions team or capital improvements in El Salvador, Mexico, Africa, or Lynchburg, all places SOI has ministry projects.  ($20 of the fee is tax deductible.) Scholarships available.

Questions?  Click here for F.A.Q. and more details or please contact Tom Barila for more info.

Volunteers.  We'd love to have you help us.    
*Calling High School
 students grades 10-12, we would love for you to sign up to help as "assistant coaches."  You will be paired with a mentor coach and will shepherd groups of children during the week.  You will also get to use your sports skills in scrimmages!     

Invite your friends and register today!

Later Event: July 12
2017 Women's Summer Study