"Collision" by Joanna Pottle
Thriving in a Wounded World:
Seeking the Spiritual in Our Solutions
From Ed Satterfield:
Our study this summer Among American Gods, a Study of the Ten Commandments has challenged us as a congregation to look at our idols. Underneath our behavior, our speech, and our attitudes are things that we regularly look to for meaning and life that are not the real source of life and fulfillment for which God created us. We expect each other, from our work, and from other things that which they cannot truly provide for us. Our lifestyles form patterns that keep producing conflict, disappointment, and emptiness. We long for freedom and yet continue to find ourselves stuck.
Third has been a home to a group who has been meeting weekly for several years to wrestle with these deep struggles. This community has taken the step to invite and host the National Association for Christian Recovery to hold this event at Third on September 28 and 29, 2018. Our hope is to widen the community in engaging our idols, our lifestyle patterns that bind us so that we together might experience the freedom that Christ offers us. Third’s Pastoral staff highly recommends that you consider being part of this weekend to continue to address the things that we have learned throughout the summer.
About the Conference:
Are you struggling to thrive in a wounded world? Are you seeking the spiritual in your solutions? The National Association for Christian Recovery and Third Church invite you to come to a safe place to find not just compassion, but information, resources, peer support and recovery that address issues related to our emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Topics include understanding shame, healing shame within a family system, detachment as a spiritual practice, boundaries, and the theology of recovery.
Friday - Saturday, September 28 - 29, 2018
Friday: 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Third Church | 600 Forest Ave. Richmond, VA
Featured Speakers
Juanita Ryan: Licensed Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist. Certified Life Coach specializing in spiritual issues.
Dale Ryan: Associate Professor of Recovery Ministry and Director of the Fuller Institute for Recovery Ministry, Fuller Theological Seminary. CEO of Christian Recovery International.
Teresa McBean: Executive Director for the National Association for Christian Recovery. Pastor of NorthStar Community (“NSC”) a recovery church.
Registration and details: http://www.nacr.org/richmond-va-regional-conference