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Jobs for Life Global Breakfast of Champions

Poverty and joblessness are not only global issues, they are local ones. That’s why on September 13, we're gathering with leaders from cities across the world to come together (via live streaming video) to discuss how we can rally the local Church to address poverty through the dignity of work.

Last year at the inaugural Global Breakfast of Champions, over 450 people in 17 cities across this country (as well as one host city in Costa Rica!), came together for this event.

We're hosting this awesome event again here at Third Church.

If you're interested in learning more about Jobs for Life, or if you've been involved in the past, this is an amazing opportunity to hear from the many folks who've been impacted by this program. It's an inspiring thing to be a part of. (To learn more about Jobs for Life at Third, click here.)

Click here to register to attend.


Earlier Event: September 11
Fall 2016 Discipleship Kickoff
Later Event: September 18
Welcome Coffee: September