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El Salvador: Missions Trip

Join us in serving El Salvador this summer!

JUNE 18 - JUNE 25
College age and up; limit 14 persons

Join our team that will work alongside Mission Partner Sports Outreach Institute (SOI) staff Humberto Alférez serving the community through English language training, micro-business support, engagement at local schools, and ministry at an orphanage.  At the core of every ministry project is the goal of discipleship and sharing the love of God.  Basic Spanish-skills are helpful but not required. 

Ready to learn more? 

Join us for an informational meeting on January 31 or March 6. We'll meeting at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, and at 12:15 p.m. in Room 101. 

Questions? Want more info? Ready to sign up? Contact Tom Barila.

Earlier Event: April 10
Mosaic Ministry: Adoption Panel
Later Event: April 14
Newcomers Class - April 2016