Third Church

After years of renovation, we are preparing to leave Regency and return to our building at 600 Forest Avenue.


We are on track to receive the keys from our contractors on September 16.

During the following weeks, we’ll be packing for a first round of moving in October before our final Sunday at Regency. There will also be some finishing work happening at 600 to get the building ready for our return.

October 13 will be our final Sunday worship gathering at Regency.

It will take time to move out of Regency and adequately transition and set up technology and classrooms at 600. We will not be gathering as usual on October 20 and 27, but will make home worship guides available.


November 3 will be our first Sunday worship service in our renewed home at 600 Forest Avenue!

Because we will not currently fit in our Sanctuary, we are returning to a three-service schedule. Once we are back in our building on Forest, we will hold worship at 8:15*, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. We will also be streaming to the Fellowship Hall during the 9:30 and 11:00 services, and outfitting the space with tables and comfortable seating to create a flexible worship environment.

Sunday School (adult and children’s), Club 56 and Student Ministry will happen concurrently during the 9:30 a.m. service. Learn more about these changes.

*We will not be streaming the 8:15 a.m. service. To participate online, please join at 9:30 or 11:00 a.m.

  • 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School will be offered during the 9:30 a.m. service hour, and childcare for kindergarten and younger will be available all morning. 

  • Our Sanctuary can seat between 350–375 people. 

  • Our average attendance has been around 750–800 per Sunday, which is the same size we were pre-pandemic. If the numbers are spread relatively evenly (as we did before 2020), we will fit and have some room to grow. Think about coming to the 8:15 a.m. service! If a service is tight though, the Fellowship Hall is also available (more below). 

  • Anticipating the need for more seating to accommodate popular service times and hospitable space for those who experience constraints in our sanctuary, we will offer flexible space in the Fellowship Hall during the 9:30 and 11:00 worship services. The room will be outfitted with chairs, seating in round tables, and some couches, and you can participate in worship via the stream on the large screen. A small hospitality team will welcome worshipers to this flexible worship space, and coffee will be available! 

  • The prayerful decision to deprioritize increased seating in the Sanctuary was partly for financial reasons (the cost of expanding the sanctuary was prohibitive), but was also a strategic choice that aligns with our vision. We are not seeking to become a bigger and bigger congregation, but rather a multiplying congregation, sending people out to start new churches and missional communities. That being said we did gain ~30 seats by moving the sound booth from the balcony to the back of the sanctuary, and removing the platformed cameras around the space. 

  • A team has been meeting this year to plan for a “renewed” ADA-compliant playground that will foster community and be a welcoming place for our neighbors. We will retain the beloved natural beauty of the play space, while updating equipment and accessibility for children of various ages. This will be a several months-long process with the hope that it will be complete in the spring. In preparation for our November re-entry to the building, we’ll host a workday in September to clean up the area and make it ready for play. Further work is being planned for the winter. 

  • While attendance is high (praise God!), we will have room at 600 to accommodate our children. Just as we have done over the last ten years, we will flex and adjust to meet the needs of class sizes so that all children are safe and comfortable while in our care. Plus we now have more flexible spaces to accommodate all of our children!

  • Though outside of the initial Renew scope, a team is making improvements to the kitchen that will be ready for use on our first Sunday back. We have removed a small wall to open up the space, and will have a new stove and oven, a new central counter, and a new table for coffee service. We hope these changes will greatly improve the flow and function of this very important room! 

  • We are grateful for the tremendous blessing that Regency has been to us and our community as we’ve been away from our home. As our leadership considered the strategic direction for Third, we had no current purpose for continuing to rent the Regency space. Our lease will end December 31, 2024.

We’re so excited to move back into our renewed church building. 

Got more questions? Email Chris Porter: