What does the Great Commission look like today?

Even as we continue to celebrate Christ's victory over death, we remember that Easter morning was not the end of the story, but a new beginning--for the disciples, and for us.  For as Christ was preparing to end his ministry on earth, he gave explicit instructions to his followers about what it was He wanted them to do next and how they should go about it. For centuries, Christians have called those instructions The Great Commission, summed up by the call to be witnesses to the Good News of Jesus' resurrection "in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  

This Sunday Rev. Richard Haney will looks at Acts 1:6-8 and help us think about how we might take up our part in the Great Commission right where we are in central Virginia.  Click HERE for more details on Sunday's services and things to consider as we look forward to worshipping together this week.

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