The Offering

Pastor Corey Widmer

Dear Third Family,

It's been so sweet to hear all the wonderful reports about our two significant mission endeavors last week. Our team returned from Haiti on Saturday night, and despite being very tired everyone is praising God for the rich time of serving and building relationships with our Haitian brothers and sisters. Much closer to home, we thank God for the 100+ kids who attended our week long Sports Outreach Camp at the Pump Road land, where they developed skills and also heard the good news about Jesus. We praise God for his faithful work and pray that He would continue to bring harvest from seeds sown.

This week we are continuing our series "The Shape of Worship" by looking at the Offering. This is perhaps the most awkward and misunderstood aspect of our weekly worship service. But like all the other elements we've looked at, the offering very intentionally shapes us as God's people and reminds us week by week who we are as those who belong to God. You can find some preparation notes here.

Really looking forward to being with you again to worship God this Sunday. Hope to see you!

Grace and peace+


P.S. We are excited about some new staff developments. Alan Ware is our new Director of Administration and Finance. Alex Sawyer has also come on board in a temporary, part-time position as an Associate for Production and Technology. Also, we are welcoming back Andrea Woie into her former role as Student Ministry Associate. If you have a chance to see them during worship services or around the offices during the week, do welcome them! 

Becca Payne