Small Group & Personal Reflection Guide, Week of March 8, 2015


This week, Pastor Rick Hutton continued our series on the Seven Deadly Sins by preaching on Sloth.

Proverbs 13:4, Ephesians 5:8-14


  1. Pastor Rick defined sloth not as doing nothing but as “not caring enough to do the right things or

    intentionally neglecting those good and true and right things.” What do we treat with apathy and


  2. Rick also said that sloth causes us to look inward and to fill our appetites with a myriad of different

    things. What are some of the things you fill up on?

  3. What would these areas of our lives look like if we took tangible steps to move from sloth to

    stewardship? What would our family look like? Our Church? Our City?


  • Spend some time confessing you own sloth and sluggardly behavior.

  • Pray that God would give you, your group and our whole congregation a deeper desire to love what He loves and to develop a better inclination toward stewardship of our time, talents, and finances.

  • Pray for spiritual renewal and revival in our community.


  • Spend some time analyzing your life for areas of sloth and the diversion you use to fill that time.

  • John Stott tells us that “we need to cultivate the things of the Spirit by our wise use of our Sundays, our daily disciplined private devotions, our regular public worship and attendance at the Lord’s Supper, and our involvement in Christian service.” Come up with a strategy to better employ devotions, worship, communion and service into your battle against sloth. 

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