Wednesday Mid-Day Prayers

Here at Third, our Lenten journey through the seven deadly sins has already taken us to some unseemly places in our souls.  Then, over the first weekend of the month, James K. A. Smith explained how our daily and weekly worship patterns play a part in how we are made holy. In response to what you are hearing on Sundays, perhaps you are considering how to build life-giving patterns into the fabric of your Monday-Saturday. 

One pattern you might consider is coming to the sanctuary for midday prayer on Wednesdays.  A fifteen-minute prayer service takes place at noon with others who assemble. Before and after, you can sit in the quiet stillness of the sanctuary and bring your praises and your desires before the Lord. Bring a journal, bring a prayer list if you have one, or bring your bulletin.  Remember, along with the Word and the Sacraments, prayer is one of the outward and ordinary ways that Christ communicates to us the benefits of our redemption.  It is a means of grace for us. 

The Sanctuary is open for prayer from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM each day, and in addition to the Noon prayers themselves, creative meditative prompts are available each week.


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