Prepare for Worship: Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015

Dear Third family,

This Sunday is Palm Sunday! The official beginning of Holy Week is a beautiful and dissonant time of worship.  We begin by joyfully remembering Jesus entering into Jerusalem as a King riding on the donkey, but by the end we are remembering that Jesus is riding into the city toward his own execution.  

We’ve got a great day planned with palms, rich music, and little kids singing praise to God--what could be better than that?  We will also be continuing our series on The Seven Deadly Sins, as I’ll be preaching on the sin of Anger.  You can find resources to help you engage more deeply in these Sunday's worship HERE.

One final exciting element of this Sunday is that we have a big group of people joining the church community.  Please be on the look out for them and welcome them warmly.

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Will you pray that God prepares our hearts for gathered worship and for our journey through the rest of Holy Week?

Yours in Jesus,


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