No Pity

We’ve got a neat interdisciplinary thing going on at my church right now. Third Church’s international ministry, our Mosaic ministry (for families with special needs), and our eating ministry (fellowship?) are coming together for a fundraising dinner.

We’re raising money for food for an orphanage in Haiti, Gertrude’s Maison. This orphanage focuses on children with disabilities. You can see more details on the video above.

The need is certainly great, and I’m so happy my church is doing this.

At the same time, I must confess that I’m feeling particularly sensitive to the “Pity Factor” in this enterprise. The kids are so cute. And it’s so sad that they have a hard life.

And my goodness, that they don’t have enough nourishing food breaks my heart.

I mean, I know how tough it is to parent The Boy, and we’ve got all kinds of resources at our fingertips.

But here’s the thing. These kids in Haiti don’t deserve more because they have handicaps. They deserve more because they are created in God’s image. Just like The Boy. Just like me. And just like you.

They have great potential to bring joy and healing to their broken world.

Just like The Boy. Just like me. And just like you.

They just need a little help to get there.

Just like The Boy. Just like me. And just like you.

P.S. If you want to come to the dinner -- or if you want to make a cash contribution, you can do that online. Go to:

Through the Roof

A Blog Supported by the Mosaic ministry of Third Church, ECO

"Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on." (Mark 2:3-4)

About: This is a blog about accessibility, intimacy, and community. About being welcome.  It’s also about bringing up The Boy. He's 11 years old and has cerebral palsy. Also popping up are The TeenGirl, who just turned 13, and The Mom, who is awesome. It's written by The Dad. It's my words, my view. Other people will think differently and have different opinions. Good.