Jobs for Life

Third is seeking to take on a new initiative to make a difference in affecting people’s lives. We hear regularly of the high unemployment rate and the difficulty many have in getting jobs. For those with broken family backgrounds living in communities of high unemployment, there is often low hope for finding a good job.  Many lack role models for good relational skills, and those that have not worked before often lack the basic skills to even open doors to employment, let alone to keeping a job.

Third would like to host the Jobs for Life Training Program and work to connect those who would benefit from coaching and training in the relational skills and work values that will help them gain a better opportunity to become employed. Jobs for Life is a 10-week proven training program teaching Christian truths about the value of work, our value to God, and practical work and relationship skills.  It combines classroom and homework learning with mentoring through “champions” who are believers with a heart to support and coach them through the class and beyond as they seek employment. The class teaches skills by its own structure in requiring weekly attendance and completion of homework to graduate. Graduates earn a certificate that is recognized by employers as commending their readiness for the workplace. It is a highly relational ministry and offers great opportunity to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ.

The STEP ministry has been using this training program for years. Our plan is to join up about 10-12 “champions” to go to the next training class at Eternity Church this Fall to participate as mentors and learn the program from an experienced team. We would then work to host our own class and seek participants to join us in the program in the Winter/Spring of 2016. We already have a small core of people seeking to make this happen, led by the Deacons’ Practical Needs Team.

Over the next month, we will be seeking to fill out a team of people who want to join in this initiative.  If you are interested in being a “champion,” helping become an instructor, providing the weekly meal, or helping us work to seek out participants in a 2016 class, please contact Ed Satterfield at 804-282-4645 or Pray with us that the Lord may lead us in preparing for and offering this ministry that will make a difference in the “shalom” of our community, helping train needed skills and open opportunity for the gospel to be heard.

Becca Payne