Best Use of Resources?

So The Boy had an awesome basketball game last Saturday.

He and his teammates played hard, had fun, and polished their skills. It was beautiful to see. There were cheerleaders, an awesome band during half-time, a big crowd, even the local news. You can see their report here:

And it got me thinking – this was a LOT of effort for 5 kids. The Boy and his teammates are awesome kids, but still, to pull this off took …

5 sets of Moms and Dads, sisters and brothers

2 coaches

2 announcers

2 assistants

10 high school basketball players who gave up their Saturday afternoon to be the opposing team

10 cheerleaders

2 cheerleader coaches

5 band members along with instruments and sound equipment

50 friends and extended family members to cheer the team on

1 TV sports broadcaster

So maybe 100 people giving up their Saturday afternoon so 5 kids could play basketball.

Is that a good use of resources?

Or consider when The Boy goes skiing. He uses three ski instructors, plus the coordinating and equipment of the adaptive ski program. And the program has to have the equipment on hand to fit a kid who is growing very fast. And that’s just for one of the 5-10 people who use the adaptive program each time.

Or at church. When I think about what it would take to make our building really accessible to The Boy and the other 5-6 wheelchair users, my head spins. Ramp access to the worship platform in the Sanctuary and the stage in the Fellowship Hall. Ramp access to the main entrance of the church. To the balcony. To the choir room. Access that says, “You are welcome everywhere.”

And not just utilitarian access, but access that is beautiful and intuitive, that enhances the use and enjoyment of the space for everybody. 

That’s a lot of resources, for just a very few people.

Is it really worth it? Or personally, is it right for me to hope that other people will donate so many of their resources to meet my family’s needs?

I struggle with that. What about you?

Maybe I struggle with Grace the same way. Unwarranted favor. Extravagant love. Totally undeserved. More than I could ask or imagine.

Through the Roof

A Blog Supported by the Mosaic ministry of Third Church, ECO

"Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on." (Mark 2:3-4)

About: This is a blog about accessibility, intimacy, and community. About being welcome.  It’s also about bringing up The Boy. He's 11 years old and has cerebral palsy. Also popping up are The TeenGirl, who just turned 13, and The Mom, who is awesome. It's written by The Dad. It's my words, my view. Other people will think differently and have different opinions. Good.