Welcome to Third’s Adult Resource Center and Library!   Located in Room 219, we offer a wide, ever-expanding variety of books and magazines in categories ranging from apologetics, evangelism, and missions, to parenting and fiction. With over 4500 books, there is something of interest for everyone.  

Library Info

  • Books can be checked out for 4 weeks at a time, and can be renewed twice if no one else has placed a “hold” on a title.

  • No fines for late books.

  • The library is open whenever the church is; there are no set hours.

  • Please, no food or drink.

  • No meetings in the library (preserves the space for reading and reflection.)

  • Book or DVD donations appreciated.

Christian Book Group

The Christian Book Group meets monthly at noon in the Bonhoeffer Room at 500 Forest Avenue.  Participants are invited to bring lunch and join in the conversation.  The reading selections may alternate between fiction and non-fiction works by Christian authors, and are recommended by members of the group.