This Sunday we conclude our study of The Call of the King, being challenged by Jesus to evaluate our lives to see if we are His followers.
In Luke 13:1-9, we see that one of the marks of a disciple of Jesus is that you are a person who repents. And not just someone who repents once- but someone who repents again and again and again!
We are brought to this passage in Luke where we see that one of the defining marks of a disciple is to live with expectancy, anticipating the coming of Jesus and his Kingdom.
Learn more about our upcoming worship service and sermon here.
As the disciples continue their journey with Jesus, learning form him, watching him and listening to him, they recognize that there is a powerful resource at work in Jesus’s life: prayer.
Click here to learn more about our upcoming worship service.
Click here to prepare for worship, and learn more about our service this upcoming week.
On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus calls others to join him as disciples. In 9:51-62, we read of three encounters Jesus has with unnamed people on the road. This week we will explore what it means to follow Jesus as we read closely the three conversations Jesus has with these would-be disciples.
Click here for more info on our upcoming sermon and worship services.
Most commentators see this passage in Luke as the central “hinge” that holds the two parts of Luke together. In the first part that we have been exploring since January, the central question is “Who is this man?” Jesus is teaching and behaving and acting in ways that evoke amazement and bewildered questions about his identity. Luke is building a case that this person is none other than the promised Messiah and the incarnate Son of God.
Click here to learn more about our upcoming sermon and Sunday morning service.