This week to finish our 5-week series on parables, we’ll be looking at perhaps the most famous parable of all. This is the third of the “Lost Things" parables that Jesus tells in Luke 15: The Story of the Two Lost Sons.
In the parable of the four soils, Jesus displays the generous nature of God and the failing human responses. God sows His precious seed into our lives despite our hard hearts, shallow faith, and cluttered lives.
This week, we're looking at Luke 15, a very famous chapter in the book of Luke that includes three of the most well-known parables of Jesus. This week we’ll be looking at the first two: first, the parable of the lost sheep, and then second, the parable of the lost coin.
In our parable for this week -- the parable of the Seed and the Leaven-- Jesus explains that the Kingdom of God is indeed a force of power that can have dramatic impact in the world, but it is a small, unexpected, un-dramatic power. We'll explore the implications of this power in our lives, and how Jesus is the center of it.
We're beginning our new series on the Stories of the King by looking at the parable of the Great Banquet. We'll see how this story challenges us to respond to God's invitation of grace, but also to make our lives look more like Jesus's.