On this Easter Sunday, we look at the story of the women who come to the tomb and find it empty, with a messenger proclaiming that Jesus is risen. And because of that empty tomb, the lives of these women and men are changed forever, and the world will never be the same.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, which means Lent is drawing to a close as we head into Holy Week. Elisabeth Hayes will preaching on Mark 11, where Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem.
We finish our exploration of the wonderful chapter of Mark 10 this week with the story of Bartimaeus. This Sunday we’ll look at why this blind beggar is the model disciple and what it would mean for us to become like him too.
This Sunday we’ll look at the next section in this action packed chapter 10 of the book of Mark. As Jesus walks ever more resolutely toward his death in Jerusalem, his disciples seem ever more confused about the meaning of Jesus’ mission.
This Sunday we’ll learn about a very personal encounter that Jesus has with a successful young man in Mark 10, and what happens when Jesus calls him to follow him.
This week we welcome Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright to look with us at a great text about prayer, doubt and the identity and mission of Jesus.
This Sunday we’ll see the turn that the book of Mark takes when Peter confesses Jesus’ identity, and Jesus then immediately begins to tell them about the cross. This is a bracing beginning to Lent.
We continue this week in our series on Mark as Corey preaches on the story of Legion.
This Sunday we’ll see Jesus as the one who calms storms. Elisabeth Hayes will be preaching on this famous story, and we’ll reflect on how it speaks to us in this stormy season of life.
In a time of immense restlessness and conflict, we are meditating this week on Jesus as the Lord of the Sabbath. He has come to give us deep rest of soul, and to ultimately bring creation itself into everlasting Shalom.
This Sunday we’ll continue in our series on the Gospel of Mark. Corey preaches on Mark 2:1-12, a moving story about Jesus’ power to heal and forgive.
This Sunday is Youth Sunday! Sometimes we refer to our young people as the "future church," but on this particular Sunday we are reminded that they are also the church of the present. There is no Holy Spirit Junior! The same Holy Spirit who empowers us has gifted each of our students with special anointing to lead God's people, and this Sunday we have the opportunity to receive from them.
This Sunday we’ll look at the first words of Jesus in the book of Mark: “The time has come! The Kingdom of God has come near! Repent and believe the good news!” We’ll explore the nature of Jesus call and also look at his first invitation to a group of people to become his disciples.
We’re also beginning a new sermon series this Sunday on the Gospel of Mark called The Way of Jesus. From now through Easter, we’ll be looking at the person of Jesus through Mark’s eyes, learning about his identity and mission. We’ll kick off the series this Sunday by looking at the first 13 verses.