This week, we'll be looking at 1 John 5, and the promise that "He who has the son, has the Life!"
This week, we'll be looking at 1 John 5, and the promise that "He who has the son, has the Life!"
As you come to worship this Sunday, come to share that walk with your brothers and sisters with a readiness to connect in open vulnerability in God’s loving family in how your journey is going this week. We will continue our exploration of 1 John in chapter 3.
This Sunday we’ll explore the great love that God has given to us in making us his children.
This Sunday we're continuing our new series on the book of 1 John. I'm really excited that we're welcoming as our preacher one my dearest friends, Rev. Kevin Germer. Kevin is the pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church here in Richmond, a fellow ECO congregation.
The apostle John was so changed by the risen Jesus that he called his fellow Christians to live as people of love and light in a world of acrimony and darkness. Through Jesus, we come to know "The God of Love and Light" and learn to live as people who reflect his love and light in the world.