The early church faced internal conflict that threatened to destroy it and impede the spread of the gospel; yet, they overcame their differences. How might we learn from its example and live more fully as the new Community?
In the early Church we get a glimpse of the Kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in heaven, and that the purpose of the church is to provide a new identity for all believers.
The gift of the Holy Spirit was the two-fold fulfillment of promises God made to his people centuries before: to restore His presence to the people he made and loved, and to restore and unite the nations of the earth. That gift continues to empower us today.
As He did with his first disciples, Jesus invites us into His story just as we are, but then calls to be changed, and sent into His world.
In the final week of our series on the Book of Acts, we see Jesus continuing to push his church out into new territories and to engage new people--crossing racial and cultural boundaries to proclaim and to do works of healing and justice in his name.