As we conclude our study of the book of Ruth, we see this small story become a story of epic proportions, inviting us to reflect on the themes of this series and ask: “How is my life a part of this big story that God is writing for the world?”
In the last chapter of the book of Ruth we find women rejoicing in Naomi - a far cry from where we started in chapter one. We’ll explore what God has for us as we rejoice over others, and he rejoices over us.
We’re taking a little pause this Sunday, being Faith Commitment Sunday, to re-examine a part of Chapter 2 in Ruth to explore it from a slightly different angle: generosity.
This week, we’ll start exploring chapter 4 of Ruth. Up to this point, we’ve looked at how, in this book, we see how love works. Love protects. Love provides. Love risks. This week we will discover that Love Redeems.
This week, we’ll look at chapter 3 of Ruth, and explore what it looks like to risk in the name of hesed love.
This week, we’ll look at how God’s providence is on display in the story of Ruth— and how even when he feels absent, he is working all things together for his good and for his glory.
This week, we’ll look at how Ruth, Naomi and Boaz show us that hesed love protects the vulnerable and those at great risk. And that love protects others, even at great cost.
This week we start the second chapter of Ruth where we begin to see that after Ruth’s spectacular display of hesed, she then shows that love gets to work, love serves.
This week we’ll explore Ruth’s incredible and costly promise to Naomi, and how it is one of the most striking examples of hesed love in all of Scripture.
This week we’ll begin to explore how God’s hesed, his loving kindness, his love without limits, comports with the suffering of his people, as we dive into the first chapter of Ruth.
The Book of Ruth is an incredible ancient story about how three people—Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz—modeled an incredible kind of love that was carried out in terribly difficult circumstances. The story points to the great story of the gospel, and the innumerable ways God has poured out his love to us, a love without limits.