The grave cannot hold him, death cannot win. Hallelujah! Join in the celebration on Easter Sunday.
This Sunday we’ll begin the journey of Holy Week together as we remember Jesus’ great act of suffering love for us. On Sunday, our service will be different than normal in that instead of a sermon, we will read responsively through the whole passion narrative beginning with the account of Palm Sunday. The service will culminate at the Lord’s Table.
Our text this week includes Romans 8:28, perhaps one of the most well-known and well-loved verses in Scripture. What does it mean for God to be working all things together for good in a world like ours? We'll look at what this means for our lives and our groaning world.
This week we are continuing our study of Romans 8 and diving into Paul's theology of suffering and glory. This passage is one of my favorites in the whole Bible, and it gives us a vision of hope that is bigger than anything we can imagine.
This Sunday we'll continue our exploration of Romans 8, building on the theme of identity that we addressed this week, we'll learn what it means to live as the beloved adopted child of God.
This week we'll continue with the next section of Romans 8 and explore the new kind of life we are called to live because of this truth.