The Cruciform Life

If the message of the cross is true, it means the secret to the universe is something we rarely if ever want to believe: that power is meted out through weakness.  If the message of the cross is true, it means we who believe it are called to live a cruciform, a cross-shaped, life. This Lent, let’s pray that the Lord renews our vision of the cross and how we can live according to it.

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A Faithful Finish

This week is our annual Youth Sunday, where students from our Student Ministry lead us in nearly all aspects of worship. This year, we'll be looking at 2 Timothy 4 together. 

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Beginnings: The Beginning of Work

In our last message of this four week series, we are looking at the Beginning of Work. As we’ve been saying throughout this month, we were all made for four key relationships: our relationship with God, self, others and creation. In this final message, we will learn about how God has called us to be cultivators and co-creators with him in our relationship to the created order.

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SermonBecca PayneBeginnings
Beginnings: The Beginning of Creation

This week, we're starting a new vision sermon series, looking at the first two chapters of Genesis-- the ultimate beginning of all things. To start, we'll explore the beginning of all creation and how God deemed it all good.

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Dwell: Full of Grace and Truth

We will be holding all regular services on December 31. Richard Haney will be preaching, and will share with us from the last phrase of the John 1:14 verse: "...full of grace and truth." 

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SermonBecca PayneDwell
Dwell: He Came From the Father

Join us on Christmas Eve. It will be a special time together as we celebrate the newborn King, and continue to explore the depth, meaning, and mystery of the incarnation. 

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SermonBecca PayneDwell
Dwell: The One and Only

Join us on the morning of Christmas Eve for a special service at 10:00 a.m.. Rick Hutton will share a brief homily, and we'll listen to a special musical presentation of Vivaldi's Gloria

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SermonBecca PayneDwell
Dwell: We Have Seen His Glory

The inescapable and elusive glory of God is finally accessible through the Incarnation, the Word became flesh. This week, we’ll explore what the glory of God, made manifest in the person of Jesus, means for our lives, our relationships, and our work in the world.

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SermonBecca PayneDwell
Dwell: And Made His Dwelling Among Us

God wants to dwell with you. With us. That is one of the great themes of the Scriptures, and all of it is centered in and made possible through the Incarnation of Jesus. This week, we’ll explore this great theme and its implications for our lives, our relationships, and our work in the world.

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SermonBecca PayneDwell
Dwell: The Word Became Flesh

This week we start a new sermon series on Dwell, as we observe Advent and prepare for Christmas. Over the next weeks, we'll have an extended meditation on one verse: John 1:14. This week we begin by looking at the phrase, "the word became flesh."

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SermonBecca PayneDwell
Give: The Grace of Giving our Time

In this series on giving, we’ve spent the first two Sundays talking about giving our money. But this Sunday we’ll turn to consider what it means to give an even more precious resource: our time. 

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SermonBecca PayneGive
Give: The Grace of Giving our Money

This week, as we prepare for Faith Commitment Sunday, we'll explore how anything we financially give as Christians is a spiritual investment in a future “harvest of righteousness”

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SermonBecca PayneGive
Welcome: The Bride

This fall, we have surveyed several New Testament metaphors for the church, and this week, we'll gather for the last one as we explore the metaphor of the church as the bride

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SermonBecca PayneWelcome
Welcome: The Body

This fall, we have surveyed several New Testament metaphors for the church, and this week, we’ll see explore the church as the body of Christ.

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SermonBecca PayneWelcome
Welcome: The Sheep

This fall, we have surveyed several New Testament metaphors for the church, and this week, we’ll see explore the church as sheep

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SermonBecca PayneWelcome