Welcome: The Field

This week we explore another metaphor of the church-- the field--and how, as the church, our purpose is to receive life and nourishment from Jesus Himself and bear fruit in order to bring life to many.

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Welcome: The Light

How could we as Third Church be salt and light in our neighborhoods, our city and our world? We’ll explore that together this week.

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Welcome: The Temple

Join us this Sunday as we continue our series looking at metaphors of the church. This week, we'll explore how the church is now God’s dwelling place on earth, and where people meet him and encounter his shekinah glory.

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SermonBecca PayneWelcome
Welcome: The Household

Join us this Sunday as we look at Ephesians 2 and the metaphor of the church as a household, an image of church as family that calls Christians beyond a once a week meeting to actually living life with one another as an extended family.  

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SermonBecca PayneWelcome
Psalm 77: Praying for Hope

This Sunday, we'll look at Psalm 77, which is among the group of Psalms that are called “Psalms of Lament.” This Psalm drives us to stare grief in the face without jumping to a solution, but also to look to God as the key to where our hope lies. 

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Psalm 46: Praying for Strength

We are seeing in our study of the Psalms how these poems instruct us to learn how to approach the powerful things we deal with in life and the emotions they produce in us. The Psalms teach us to pray. Join us this week as we explore the call of Psalm 46 as it challenges us to cease our striving and rest in knowing God’s mammoth effort to bring us help and how He is a refuge and strength.

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Psalm 103: Remembering God's Grace

Last week, we heard from Corey about how the Psalms reorient our hearts, reshaping our emotions in light of who God is. This week, we’ll read Psalm 103 together and hear a song from David late in his life. We’ll see that David is reminded of two fundamental truths: that God is forgiving and that God is faithful.

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Psalm 131: The Prayer Book of the Bible

This Sunday we begin a summer series on the book of Psalms. The Psalms are unlike any other book in the Bible because they are meant to be actually used and practiced. Our intent is to learn these Psalms as invitations into prayer and to cultivate a deeper, richer communion and prayer life with God. This week we’ll kick off the series with an introduction to the Psalms, but I’ll also cover Psalm 131, which is one of my most favorite Psalms.

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Partners in Miracles

This Sunday we have the privilege of having Fakhri Yacoub, the pastor of the Christian Arabic Church as our preacher. Fakhri will be speaking about Jesus’ invitation to his people to join him in caring for people in need in our community, especially the many immigrants and refugees among us. We’ll hear about the work that the CAC is doing and how we might come along side them.

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Come, Holy Spirit 5: The Power

Up to this point in our Holy Spirit series, we have mostly focused on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer. In our final week, Pentecost Sunday, we’ll turn to see the Holy Spirit as The Power, specifically the one who empowers the church for its work and mission in the world.

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Come, Holy Spirit 4: The Comforter

All of us have moments and situations in which we cry out for comfort because we are hurting in some way. Likewise, we all taste discouragement and even hopelessness from time to time. On Sunday we will explore how we can experience the Holy Spirit as the One God sends to help encourage and comfort us.

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Come, Holy Spirit 3: The Guide

We now have the intimate guiding presence of God available to us any time, any place, through the intimate presence of the Holy Spirit. But how exactly does the Holy Spirit guide us? We’ll see this week that the main way the Spirit guides us is through His Word, as he makes his will plain and gives us the power to live in accordance with it. 

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