Come, Holy Spirit 2: The Sanctifier

Last week we began our 5 week series on the Holy Spirit by seeing that Jesus calls the Holy Spirit “the Helper.” But what does the Spirit help us with? This Sunday we’ll see that one of the main things that the Spirit helps us with is becoming more like Jesus - or what is often called “sanctification.”

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Come, Holy Spirit 1: The Helper

This week we begin our new sermon series, Come, Holy Spirit! Over the next five weeks we’ll be exploring in more depth the person of the Holy Spirit, who the Spirit is, and what the Spirit does. As we kick off this new series this week we’ll be looking at those things more broadly by reading from John 15:26 and 16:7-15.

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The Revolution of the King 12: The End of the Beginning

The ascension is the key to the Christian life! The ascension made all the effects of Jesus’ risen life available to us and every believer in every time and place. The ascension is also when the ministry of Jesus shifts from simply being the ministry of a single man to a global community. We’ll explore all these aspects of the ascension of Jesus this Sunday.

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The Revolution of the King 11: The Hopeless Rejoice

This week's story invites us to encounter the living Jesus on our own journeys. Jesus promises us that even after he is ascended, “You will see me” (John 14:20). But we often miss the risen Jesus in our every day lives. This story shows us the many reasons we may miss him, but also invites us to ways that we have our eyes open to him more and more. 

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The Revolution of the King 10: The Dead are Raised

Guatemalan poet Julia Esquivel wrote a poem called “They Have Threatened Us with Resurrection.” It may sound strange that the message of Easter may be threatening. Everything Jesus is and everything Jesus taught is true and now grasps us with authority, and we will follow him wherever he leads. This Easter, let’s come expecting to meet with the risen Lord.

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The Revolution of the King 9: The King Who Comes

As we have journeyed together through the book of Luke for the last 16 months, we have heard Jesus say again and again that he must go to Jerusalem. Now finally, on Palm Sunday, we witness the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the beginning of the terrible and wonderful drama of the cross and resurrection.

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The Revolution of the King 6: The Lost Are Found

Revolutions are often won and lost on battlefields by armies. Usually, the stronger soldiers and the superior firepower wins out, but the revolution of the King looks different in our world. This week, we'll look at Luke 19, where we see another unlikely participant in the ongoing movement of God’s kingdom becoming manifest in our world. 

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Renewal 4: Renewing All Things

We wrap up our series on Renewal this week by looking at the words of Jesus in Matthew 19, where Jesus speaks about the palingenesia (or, renewal) of all things. We’ll look at the fact that the Gospel is not just an internal message that changes each of us individually, but also is a message of Good News for the entire world.

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Renewal 3: Renewing the City

This week, we welcome Eric Jacobsen as our preacher.Eric has much to teach us about how the church, even the bricks and mortar of the church facility and campus, can contribute to the flourishing of the city. 

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Renewal 2: Renewing the Church

Join us this Sunday to see how God wants to renew us as Third Church. We’ll share about this vision for us broadly, but also share concrete ways we hope to live out this vision in the way we structure our church, and the way we organize our community and facilitate leadership.

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Renewal 1: Renewing the Person

We all have habits, character flaws, and negative patterns in our lives that we wish were different, and the new year seems like a good time to address them. But somehow we always end back in the same place again. Why? We'll kick off our new Renewal series this week looking at a passage from Titus, where we find the ultimate transformation we seek. 

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