Introducing Desire: How Are We Shaping Our Loves?

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Corey Widmer, teaching

Our February Term series, "Desires: Who and What Do You Love?" kicks off with an overview from Lead Pastor Corey Widmer introducing us to the idea that liturgies--whether sacred or secular--help shape our identities by shaping our loves.

What is the February Term?

Each winter, we take a month to "get on the same page" by combining our adult Sunday discipleship classes and studying an issue that has bearing on how we live our lives as Christ-followers no matter what age or stage of life we find ourselves in.  This year our Winter Term is moving to February (and to the Fellowship Hall) to connect with Corey Widmer's Lenten sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and to help us think more deeply about how we are shaped by the culture in which we live. The February Term will culminate with preaching and teaching on March 1st from Calvin College professor and author James K. A. Smith, whose book, Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation, is helping us frame the conversation about how what we know what we really desire, and how we shape our lives so that we desire the right things.  For a full description of speakers, topics, and resources,  click HERE