For the final sermon in our Jonah series, Derek Mondeau will help us uncover our identity as missionary people. We Jesus’ “sent people,” called to bear witness to Jesus and his Kingdom through our speech, our words, our community, and our way of life.
In our second to last sermon of the series, we look at why Jonah is so angry that the Ninevites repent. How could he be angry about God’s grace? We’ll explore together.
This week, we begin to look at chapter 3 of Jonah as Jonah makes his entrance into the city of Ninevah. It is there that we see that God continues to extend opportunities for his people to repent, change course, and change their lives.
Corey leads us this Sunday in our third week of our Jonah series, looking at the beginning of Chapter 2 and Jonah’s prayer of thanksgiving. This prayer is a act of pure gratitude, and in his gratefulness for God’s deliverance from death, Jonah offers us a beautiful articulation of the true meaning of biblical grace.
For our second week in our Jonah series, Corey Widmer shares on Jonah 1:4-17. We’ll explore how this passage challenges what our faith is for– not just for private and personal salvation, but for the common good of all people.
We begin a new series this week on the book of Jonah. Jonah may be one of the most familiar books, but perhaps one of the least understood. Over the course of this series we’ll go deep on a powerful demonstration of one of the most important themes of the Christian faith: the disruptive grace of God.