In the final week of our James series, we’ll look at the end of the book of James. Corey will share with us about how the key sign of a transformational faith prayer. Prayer that is constant, consistent, and wholly dependent on the Father.
This week, Ed Satterfield will lead us through chapter 5 of James, exploring a key ingredient that helps us to be patient amidst trials, suffering and injustices— the imminent return of the Lord Jesus.
We continue to move through the book of James this week as we look at the end of chapter 4 and into chapter 5. Corey Widmer shares with us about the particular dangers of wealth to us as Christians— the dangers of presumption, hoarding and injustice.
This week, Corey Widmer shares on James 4, and demonstrates what James sees as the core problem in the lives of his friends: the problem of having “divided hearts,” compromising their affection and fidelity to God, the one true source of life and love.
Corey Widmer shares this week from James 3:13-18 asking questions like: How do we know who to follow? Who should we listen to? How do we know when our lives on track (or off)? James speaks to all this in this passage and we’ll look at how we too can become people of true wisdom.
We begin exploring Luke chapter 3 this week by looking at what this verses 1-12 means for our language, and what our language shows about the shape of our hearts and what we believe.
David Bailey, executive director of Arrabon, is with us this week to share on James 2:1-13, on building a counter-cultural community.
This week we look further into what the book of James says about the Word of God, and how he challenges us to not just hear the word, but be transformed by it. What we hear must change what we do.
We continue our series on James this Sunday with looking at the wisdom of the opening chapter. In this seemingly disjointed chapter, James gets to the heart of our life here: that our faith has something important to say about the many ways we suffer.
This week we begin a new sermon series on the book of James, a series we’re calling ‘A Faith That Matters.” James believes that faith in the Lord Jesus is a faith that deeply matters for all of life, and is a faith that should be profoundly shaping the way believers live. We’ll explore this together this summer!