Join us this Sunday as we explore Psalm 107, and how this Psalm helps us reorient our thinking about the suffering in our lives and our world, suffering which seems so at odds with the fact of God’s goodness and steadfast love.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Psalm 47, one of the "kingship psalms" that celebrates God's lordship over all things.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Psalm 63. This psalm illustrates how David longs for God, and teaches us how we may too long for him, even when it does not come easy.
Join us this Sunday as we explore Psalm 137. Psalm 137 is categorized as an Imprecatory Psalms, one that calls down curses or judgment upon one’s enemies. This week, we'll talk about what do we do with these difficult chapters.
Join us this Sunday as we dig into Psalm 139 and explore how the realities of God (that he is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent) affect the realities of our hardships.
This week, we welcome David Bailey to Third where he will preach on Psalm 133 and explore how this Psalm asks us to seek unity with one another.
This Sunday, we'll look at Psalm 32, and how this Psalm models to us how we can speak to God when we find ourselves making a mess of our lives through our own foolish and rebellious choices.
This Sunday, we'll look at Psalm 77, which is among the group of Psalms that are called “Psalms of Lament.” This Psalm drives us to stare grief in the face without jumping to a solution, but also to look to God as the key to where our hope lies.
We are seeing in our study of the Psalms how these poems instruct us to learn how to approach the powerful things we deal with in life and the emotions they produce in us. The Psalms teach us to pray. Join us this week as we explore the call of Psalm 46 as it challenges us to cease our striving and rest in knowing God’s mammoth effort to bring us help and how He is a refuge and strength.
Last week, we heard from Corey about how the Psalms reorient our hearts, reshaping our emotions in light of who God is. This week, we’ll read Psalm 103 together and hear a song from David late in his life. We’ll see that David is reminded of two fundamental truths: that God is forgiving and that God is faithful.
This Sunday we begin a summer series on the book of Psalms. The Psalms are unlike any other book in the Bible because they are meant to be actually used and practiced. Our intent is to learn these Psalms as invitations into prayer and to cultivate a deeper, richer communion and prayer life with God. This week we’ll kick off the series with an introduction to the Psalms, but I’ll also cover Psalm 131, which is one of my most favorite Psalms.