Reopening Plans - May 2021
Things are changing fast! We are grateful for your patience as we work through the implications for our services and how we can best support you as we enter this next phase! Please watch the video below for a brief overview of how things will be changing over the next two weeks. (Spoiler: coffee is returning!!!)
For this Sunday, May 23:
Coffee hour! Please join us in-between services for a new weekly coffee hour outside by the playground. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends and hopefully make some new ones!
We will continue to maintain social distancing this week. Registration will be required but there will be no check-in once you arrive. Enter straight into the Fellowship Hall where chairs will be grouped in socially distanced clusters. Ushers will help people find and make groups of chairs appropriate for their group.
We will be opening our Sanctuary up for socially distanced livestream beginning this weekend for anyone who would like extra space.
We ask that you please abide by CDC and Virginia protocols regarding masking, based on the status of your vaccination.
Then, starting next weekend, May 30, we’re excited to announce the following:
No registration for either service as the social distance guidelines will be lifted. We will continue to offer socially distanced worship experiences in both a designated space in the Fellowship Hall, and the Sanctuary for a distanced, livestreamed service.
Childcare available for all children 5 and younger! We will continue to provide full nursery care for infants through 2 year olds (35 months). For kids 3 years old through kindergarten, we will be offering a mid-service “pull-out” where we’ll take them to the playground or a larger indoor space to play before the start of the sermon. That means, these older children will be able to participate in worship with their families before they leave.
Registration will still be required for all childcare. So families, please stay tuned to special guidance about these plans from Tracie and Blair. They will be in touch with you soon!
It is so exciting to be sharing this with you all. And I am more excited to hopefully be seeing more of you (and your whole face!) in the coming weeks. It is a joy to worship alongside you, and I am grateful for the way this community has sacrificed and persevered together this year. This is not over, and there are more obstacles ahead, but today we are grateful.