August 2021: Covid-19 Update & Delta Variant



As many of you have heard, this new Delta variant of COVID is resulting in a surge of cases across our community, nation and world. I spoke at length this morning, August 12, with Dr. Danny Avula, Director of Henrico and Richmond City Health Departments, and Covenant Partner here at Third. Danny reports that in Virginia, we have seen a dramatic increase in cases over the past few weeks and we have gone from a 7-day positivity rate of approximately 1% in the middle of June to a positivity rate of 7.5% today. While it is important to note that even 7.5% is well below the 15 - 20% high positivity rates we were experiencing in Virginia in January and February of 2021, it’s vital that we remain vigilant and wise as the situation shifts. 

Our practice from the beginning of the pandemic has been to follow the guidance of the Virginia Department of Health and the CDC for safe mitigation practices. Based on that guidance and through Danny’s recommendations, here are the following practices that we’re encouraging starting this Sunday:

  • For large indoor gatherings like our Sunday services, we strongly encourage everyone over 2 years of age, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, to wear masks during the services of worship. The exception will be for those who are singing or speaking from the front who are vaccinated and who will maintain social distancing practices.

  • We will continue to stream the worship service to the Fellowship Hall, which will remain a space where social distancing practices are maintained.

  • If you prefer to remain at home, please continue to enjoy worshipping with us from home through our live streamed services.

  • If you or anyone in your family has any symptoms concerning for COVID (cough, fever, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting) please remain at home and enjoy worshipping with us via the live stream.

We are talking regularly to Dr. Avula to get his guidance and recommendations, and are also reviewing our plans with our staff, Trustees and Session. We will be updating you regularly, especially regarding our planning for the many activities at Third that are scheduled to resume next month.

Becca Payne