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Young Adults Christmas Happy Hour

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Young professionals and young adults (from the 23-35 age range): join us for this time to get together and enjoy each other’s company in the holiday season. 

We won’t have an agenda, it will just be fun people having fun conversations in the Christmas season. There will be some appetizers/desserts/snack foods and feel free to BYOB. We’ll play some Christmas music, eat, and meet some new folks. 

Friday, December 15
6:30 p.m. | 2402 Wedgewood Avenute

No RSVP needed - just come on out and feel free to bring some friends. We hope you can be a part of this-- and if you can't make it this, but are interested in events in the future, please be in touch.

Questions? Contact Tim Latham

Earlier Event: December 5
Women's Christmas Dinner
Later Event: December 17
Welcome Coffee: December